Category Archives: Nerds United

Nerds United Episode 200: This is It! Episode 200!

This week on a very special episode of Nerds United, well, there’s something of a celebration in the air. It’s the 200th episode of the podcast.

It takes a lot of dedication to put in over seven years and two hundred episodes, countless hours, for no monetary return. Am I patting myself on the back? Maybe a little.

But we wouldn’t be 200 episodes in without you, the listener. So I sincerely and profoundly thank you.

Now as for this week’s episode, we do have some news and notes to pass along. But the bulk of the episode is answering your questions. And we had some doozies. And in the meantime, Josh got himself a promotion. Congrats Josh!

Nerds United Episode 199: From Driving with a Teenager to Birds of Prey

This week on the Nerds United podcast, Greg and Mike talk about a whole bevy of topics, including our co-host of the year doing some baking and driving around with his teenage son. Listen to the tales of wild mishaps and good people.

Also, nerd stuff. Like the casting of Kang the Conqueror and the casting of She-Hulk. The trailer is out for The Mandalorian Season 2. Wonder Woman 84 is set to hit theaters on Christmas Day. And Lovecraft Country and Birds of Prey are worthy watches on HBO Max.

So…what should we do for our 200th episode?

Greg and Mike were guests/contestants on The @ 6’s and 7’s Podcast recently and that episode is live now. You can check it out here.

Nerds United Episode 198: Fatherhood, Walkers, and Karate

On this very special episode of Nerds United, we reveal a closely guarded secret about Greg. And then we talk about being a dad, because we’re both dad’s.

Also, Brother Power the Geek, an actual DC Comics title in the late 1960’s (from the same guy who co-created Captain America – will wonders never cease).

The Walking Dead is ending after its eleventh season, but has already apparently named two survivors for an upcoming spin-off. And they didn’t even provide us with a “SPOILER” tag.

The second season of The Boys is out and it’s a lot of fun. Darkly humorous, bloody, gruesome, vulgar, filthy fun.

And also – Cobra Kai is a board-smashing hit in our homes.

So that’s it. That’s the episode. But you should really listen to get all the details of things I took the time to type out here.

Nerds United Episode 197: John Garrett and “What’s Your And?”

This week on Nerds United, Greg talks with John Garrett, a self-described recovering accountant. John is a comedian AND consultant AND now an author.

John wrote “What’s Your And,” a book about unlocking the person within the professional. Years of podcast guests sharing their passions at the workplace inspired John to write this book about being your whole self at work, not just the part that you perceive as “professional.”

Hear John tell how bringing your passions, be it kayaking, motorcycles, opera singing, or even podcasting, can benefit you professionally with your co-workers and even clients. “What’s Your Age” is available to pre-order on Amazon right now (link below) and is available through numerous other outlets on September 15th. Get more info at

Pre-order on Amazon:

Nerds United Episode 196: Cobra Kai and Other News Notes

This week on Nerds United, Mike and Greg do some last-minute topic research, and learn about possible prices for the upcoming PS5 (spoiler – we can’t afford one).

We also discuss Cobra Kai on Netflix and debate ensues regarding the age of Ralph Macchio. Did you know he’s only eight years younger than Greg’s dad?

Also, Mandolorian Season 2 is on its way, and production on The Batman continues without its start, who has the Covid.

Nerds United Episode 195: RIP Chadwick plus Fandome News

Well, this is an unusual episode to say the least. It was supposed to be largely about DC Fandome and talking about all of those great trailers and tidbits we got last week.

But shortly into our episode, we were rocked by the news of the passing of Chadwick Boseman at the far too young age of 43 after battling cancer for four years. No one knew. Well, publicly.

So after that and a few other interruptions on Greg’s end, we do manage to get through the show.

Nerds United Episode 194: The Nerd Dome is Better than the Fandome

Do you remember the olden days when I used to refer to the podcast recording location as the Nerd Dome? Like the Thunder Dome except with less thunder and more nerds.

Anyway, this week we’re talking about DC Fandome, a 24-hour nerd extravaganza that begins probably right about now. I’m not sure. It’s a guess. Also – Batfleck is BACK! Disney+ should add an adult-only (not like that) section. And another Spider-man rogue member is lined up for his own movie.

We also take some quality questions from you, the lovely listeners. So we thank you.

Nerds United Episode 193: Umbrella Academy and Project Power

What can we say…it’has been a Netflix week.

Nerds United Episode 192: Look kids! It’s Chad Smart!

This week on Nerds United, we have a special guest in legendary podcaster Chad Smart!

Chad co-hosts Greg and Chad’s Power Half Hour here on the Jittery Monkey Podcast Network, and turned his Positive Cynicism podcast into the Positive Cynicism Podcast Network, which includes four shows. And he recently started another podcast called Out of Touchstone.

Chad was brought in to help Greg draw a comparison between Star Wars fans and wrestling fans. It does not go great for Greg.

Also, Mulan is coming to Disney+ and there’s a Suicide Squad game in the works from the same people who created the Batman Arkham series. So there’s that.

And here’s the latest YouTube video.

Nerds United Episode 191: Jason Todd & The Umbrella Academy

This week on Nerds United, Mike and Greg take a new spin on an old story and run a few hypothetical scenarios regarding young Jason Todd and what might have been.

And we ask the question…what character would you like to give the “keep or kill” public voting decision? And here’s a list of the top 25 X-Men leaders of all time, because it was brought up.

Also – the second season of The Umbrella Academy is out and it’s pretty wild. We don’t go into spoilers, it’s not our way. But we do try to give a few thoughts on what we’ve seen so far.

Other than that – be kind.

Nerds United Episode 190: The Old Guard and Old Music

This week on the podcast, the guys give a review of Netflix’ The Old Guard, which stars Charlize Theron. Also, are the Russo Brothers actually working on a Secret Wars storyline for the MCU or is that just a wish?

Henry Cavill not only builds gaming computers, but also takes internet criticism fairly well in regards to his role of Geralt in The Witcher.

And the gents have Part Two of the impromptu series they started last week that saw them attach 1990s music to superheroes. This week, I bet you can guess which superheroes we are working with.

Also, the youtube, if you have forgotten. It’s available here with the latest video (which is last week’s). Have a great week.

Nerds United Episode 189: Captain Marvel and Matching 90s Songs to Avengers

This week on Nerds United, Greg and the Co-Host of the Year Mike discuss rumors of Hayden Christensen possibly returning to the Star Wars franchise, a celebrity’s opinion on movies from bygone eras, and talk about a movie hitting Netflix in a few weeks with a very interesting premise: If you could take a pill that gave you super powers for five minutes at a time, without knowing the ability you would gain…would you?

The second half of the show is an idea that comes to us from listener Chris. He challenged us to attach 90s songs to superheroes. We paired some songs with the MCU Avengers. Give it a listen. Tell us how ridiculous our choices are (and they are).

Nerds United Episode 188: There’s a Lot Going On

It’s been a whole ten days! How did you ever survive without us?

It’s been a busy ten days. Second-season trailers for popular streaming shows. New Batwoman. Comic-Con @ Home. Jason Momoa trading in the deep sea for the winter wonderland. Boy howdy!

Also – expect a new Youtube video this weekend.

Nerds United Episode 187: Winds of Change

This special mid-week episode of Nerds United sees Greg and Mike discuss Batmans in Flash and what Michael Keaton’s return to the cinematic Batman could mean down the road. There’s also talk about Margot Robbie and the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise.  Also The Boys Season 2 is coming in a couple months and Greg has been re-watching the first season on Amazon Prime.

As for change, we discuss the change of Splash Mountain to a ride themed after The Princess and the Frog. We also discuss recent statements by Anthony Mackie regarding Marvel’s lack of diversity behind the camera, and how that echoes/mirrors Brie Larson’s statements made a year ago about diversity on her press tours.

Finally, we *almost* forgot to hit up The Book. So on the way out, we talk about comic book’s first cross-dressing hero, Madam Fatal.

Nerds United Episode 186: Tiger King and War Nurse

This time around on Nerds United, Greg and LIVE-FROM-HIS-NEW-PLACE Mike discuss a week’s worth of topics.

Well, that’s probably a lie. Truth be told, there’s likely so much more that came down the headlines pipe but we picked through some of our favorites.

We hit up “The Book” and discuss Pat Parker, War Nurse, as well as two different Pinocchio movies headed our way. There’s talk of Tiger King that somehow goes off the rails and we leave it to Zack Snyder to save us with a teaser of the #SnyderCut.

Put a bow on that sucker with a DC/Spotify podcast partnership and you now know why we are the best podcast for your ears (and all the ears you send our way). And check out our YouTube for a giveaway opportunity.

Thanks, and as always, Be Kind.

Nerds United Episode 185: An Important Discussion at an Important Time

For this special mid-week episode of Nerds United, Greg brought back past guests Jason White and David Gorden to discuss first-hand the recent protests following the latest death of a black man at the hands (or in this case, knee) of a police officer.

These types of conversations aren’t just important, they are necessary. If we’re ever going to grow as a society and put aside our differences, if we’re ever going to accept one another, then we have to be willing to talk to one another.

It’s not that simple. But it’s a start.

Nerds United Episode 184: Miles Gets His Shot

We turn just a few little topics into a good-length episode.

We discuss the new PS5 and the feature Spider-Man game starring Miles Morales. We also talk about the Bill and Ted: Face the Music trailer (on our Facebook page).

There’s also discussion of various types of music and a comedian who makes fun of them all.

Nerds United Episode 183: Saturday Night Good Times

This week Mike stops by Studio B on a Saturday night and we drink O’Fallon Brewery’s Pretzel Beer and talk about a solid amount of content.

Comics, casting, movies, horror. We touch on it all.

Subscribe to the podcast. Subscribe to the YouTube. for every 20 subscribers, Greg will do a shot of Wild Turkey. Wouldn’t that be fun for everyone?

Nerds United Episode 182: Music and Marvel and Star Wars

Go with us on a musical journey as Greg walks Mike through some music he was listening to on Friday. It’s crazy because there’s a little bit of everything.


Nerds United Episode 181: Sith vs Endgame, GLvS, Batwoman Leaves

This week on Nerds United, Mike and Greg discuss the recent debate online about what’s better, Avenger’s Endgame or Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith.

Also, Ruby Rose is out as Batwoman and HBO Max will get the Snyder Cut of The Justice League. And the guys rewrite Batman V Superman into a much better movie, starring Green Lantern!

And there’s a 30-day movie challenge that we begin discussing. So there’s that.

Nerds United Episode 180: Josh Trank, FANT4STIC, and Community

This week on Nerds United, Greg and Mike discuss Josh Trank’s name being in the news recently regarding his 2015 Fantastic Four movie and how he didn’t want to make a Marvel-style movie. We discuss a rewriting of Marvel movies and if maybe the studio put themselves in a bad position to outdo themselves.

In the second half of the show, we are joined by Chad Smart of Greg and Chad’s Power Half Hour and the trio talk about the sitcom Community.

Nerds United Episode 179: Talkin’ Comics and Much More

This week on Nerds United, Greg and Mike get back to our roots and talk comics. What we’ve been reading, what we intend to read (that’s a long list), and books that we might get around to eventually.

We also field a question from a Friend of the Show/Friend in Life about some Batman books to start at as he embarks on his own journey. Godspeed, Smitty.

Just a few news and notes that largely center around DC television and cinema. And we’re all anxious to get back to “normal” as soon as possible.

Nerds United Episode 178: Secret Field Trip to Twilight Comics

Well well, boys and girls, this very special mid-week episode is one where Greg sneaks in the back door of Twilight Comics (Swansea, Illinois) to visit with owner/proprietor Brian Hillier.

We talk about the state of the comic book industry during the COVID-19 pandemic, as brick and mortar stores are unable to do business as usual.

Brian also provides some insight to other times in comic book history when some of the big publishers were not too easy to deal with. And we remind the listeners that some publishers are going above and beyond to help out comic book stores.

Nerds United Episode 177: More Mallrats, Marvel, and Expendable Universes

On this week’s all-new episode of Belleville’s Number One Podcast, Mike and Greg discuss the possibility of getting one of the DCCW stars on the podcast, Kevin Smith’s newest work, and rekindle the likelihood of having our favorite director on the show.

Also, Chris Hemsworth says it would take a Marvel movie to pack theaters again, and he’s probably right. And what’s a cinematic universe you could do without?

Subscribe. It’s that simple.

Nerds United Episode 176: Now at Mike’s Place

This week we tried something different. Greg drove all the way across town to Mike’s, and from a distance of 76 inches, the guys recorded a new podcast episode (as well as YouTube show).

In this episode, the guys discuss Spawn, the Flash, share stories from high school, video games, and some more.

Nerds United Episode 175: Comic Vehicles and Nelvana

This week on an all-new Nerds United, Mike and Greg brinfly revisit last week’s conversation about forgotten cartoons in the form of Mutant League.

While reading from The League of Regrettable Superheroes, Mike selects Nelvana of the Northern Lights. While discussing her origin, powers, and recent popularity. Could Nelvana be ripe for a big-screen debut? Greg thinks so.

A few news and notes about movie dates being pushed back, and then the guys break into a conversation about comic book vehicles.

Stick around for the end. We’re doing a giveaway. We want you to support your local comic book store during these “uncertain times” and we have a way for you to do so. Check out TKO Studios and make a purchase. You can select your local comic book shop and TKO will pay the brick and mortar the same amount that the store would have made if you bought the book in person. Take a screenshot of your comic store selection and receive an entry into the giveaway.

**BONUS** If you select Twilight Gaming and Comics in Swansea, IL, you’ll receive an extra entry. T-shirts, comics, and whatever else I can come up with to help you help the comic book stores we all love.

Nerds United Episode 174: TV Shows Past and Present

This week on the show, Mike and Greg discuss workouts while staying at home. They include comic books. Also, Greg’s back is more messed up than was initially indicated.

This week we’re talking about some forgotten cartoons of our youth. Everyone talks about Batman TAS, X-Men, Gargoyles, He-Man, TMNT. But what about the unsung heroes of your childhood? Popeye, Denver the Last Dinosaur, and more.

We also talk about some recent sitcoms, one that Mike has been talking about to Greg for awhile. And [SPOILER ALERT] I’m watching it right now!

Nerds United Episode 173: Bloodshot, Batman V Superman and More in Week 2 of Distancing

This week on a new Nerds United, Mike and Greg (still separated by miles, but together in spirit) discuss watching Bloodshot, a movie that opened in theaters two weekends ago, from the comfort of their respective couches. And seriously, watch Bloodshot.

Also on the agenda: Batman V Superman – Dawn of Justice. Someone hadn’t seen it before, and after watching portions of the movie over three days, said person still hasn’t “seen” it. Alas…what’s a husband to do?

Keeping on with the B’s…Bee-Man, a 1966 character from Harvey Comics. Also:

  • Locke and Key
  • Witcher
  • Marvel Shows on Disney+
  • Middlewest from Image Comics

Speaking of comics – support your local comic book store. They need you now more than ever! Find your store on social media. Find out if they are shipping books to your home (assuming they’re closed like ours). Make sure when doors reopen that you show them just as much love as movie theaters, concert venues, dine-in restaurants, and sporting events. They live to provide you with great books. Find them. I beg you.

Nerds United Episode 172: Mike’s ‘On Location’

Well the only thing not shut down beside’s Greg’s “essential” job is this podcast (and the other great podcasts on the Jittery Monkey Podcast Network).

But there is a change. Mike is calling in on this episode, not in Studio B. And it’s really weird.

This episode features talk about what is going on in the world right now, ya know, the Big C.

But there’s also talk about Fantomah – The Blazing Skull Mystery Woman of the Jungle Who Was There Before Wonder Woman. Also, rumors about Wonder Woman 84 being sent straight to VOD were debunked (Greg missed the memo), Rosario Dawson IS Ahsoka Tano in The Mandalorian, 2,000 American’s favorite superheroes and super villains, and Bloodshot will be available digitally this week. So buy it. You’ll thank me.

And we thank you for tuning in and being awesome. Because where would we be without you? I’ll tell you where…sitting right here bringing you a new episode, just with one fewer listener. And we can’t have that. So tell your friends. And wash your hands.

Nerds United Episode 171: SURPRISE! She-Hulk, Three Hulks, and More

This was the episode that was not meant to be. Presently, the Co-Host of the Year is out of town. But before he left, we got together for an hour and knocked out a podcast. It was early in the week, amid all of the continued madness that is Covid-19.

On this special surprise episode, we talk about Allison Brie (or someone like Allison Brie) that Marvel is looking for to play She-Hulk. That goes into a long discussion about the Hulks we’ve had thus far on the big screen.

Avengers Campus is set to open this summer, assuming we’re allowed to leave our homes ever again.

There’s more, but I’m trying to watch Blade Runner and this is taking away from that. I’m no good at multi-tasking.

Superman Named America’s Favorite Superhero

I know. I’m shocked!

If I had to guess, I’d say this OnePoll survey (commissioned by Visit Anaheim ahead of this summer’s opening of Avengers Campus at Walt Disneyland) which questioned 2,000 Americans probably didn’t talk to “hard core” nerds/geeks, but rather more mainstream.

That’s my perception, because any time the topic gets brought up, Supes is rarely the favorite hero in his own brand, being unseated by Batman. Batman finished third in the voting, with everyone’s favorite wall-crawler wedged between the World’s Finest. Captain America and Iron Man are 4 and 5 respectively, with Wonder Woman the sixth favorite among those polled.

Here’s the entire Top Ten:

  1. Superman
  2. Spider-Man
  3. Batman
  4. Captain America
  5. Iron Man
  6. Wonder Woman
  7. Aquaman
  8. Captain Marvel
  9. Black Panther
  10. Wolverine

That’s a lot of Hollywood dollars. And no offense to Aquaman, but would ANYONE have had him in their top ten? I think he gets a boost due to his recent big box office debut. And if I’m being honest, I say the same for Captain Marvel and Black Panther. Now that is not a knock on any of these characters, but rather an indication that their profiles were elevated due to having successful (and in Black Panther and Captain Marvel’s cases, MASSIVELY SUCCESSFUL) solo films.

While the Man of Steel got the nod as America’s favorite superhero, I think it surprises exactly no one that the Clowned Prince of Crime heads the list of favorite super villains.

As beloved as Tom Hiddleston is, with a Loki show on the way on Disney+, consider me surprised that the God of Mischief is in the back half of the Top Ten.

  1. Joker
  2. Catwoman
  3. Venom
  4. Thanos
  5. Lex Luthor
  6. Magneto
  7. Penguin
  8. Harley Quinn
  9. Mystique
  10. Loki

Also, with the pomp and circumstance around Harley Quinn, I would have thought that character would be in the top five. I still think, even at number 5, Lex Luthor is underrated. He and Thanos have a lot in common, in that they say the best villains are those who see themselves as the hero, that they are doing the right thing. That was everything about Thanos in the MCU.

Also, side-bar…I think Venom and Harley Quinn could both, at times, fall into the “anti-hero” category.

Let’s see what else the poll said.

1. Invisibility                           37%
2. Healing                              35%
3. Time travel                        35%
4. Superhuman strength       33%

5. Superhuman intelligence  33%

That’s 173%, just incredible. Also, and even in the world of the coronavirus where healing would come in handy, I still want the ability to teleport. Are you kidding me? No more commutes? No more trying to find a parking spot for a ballgame? No more traveling (driving or flying) to the vacation destination…just BAM! (or “BAMF!”) and you’re there. Don’t mind that subtle smell of brimstone.

Respondents said that Superman would beat Batman in a fight. The Avengers are their favorite superhero team, and Marvel was preferred over DC by a 2-1 margin.

What’s your take on the findings of this survey? Do you agree? Disagree? Let us know via social media. Because when there’s a damn pandemic going on, talking about superhero nonsense is good for us all.

Twitter: @nerdsunitedshow
Instagram: nerdsunitedshow
Youtube – help us get 100 subscribers and I will get drunk in the process.

Nerds United Episode 170: Disney Remakes and the Robat Batinbatmobile

This week on the show, Greg and Mike are talking about Disney’s live-action remakes, which ones are coming up and if we’re excited for them.

Get a lesson of the bad ideas from pro wrestling gimmicks, hear about the original Jigsaw, and the Batmobile in all of its gearhead glory!

Nerds United Episode 169: Hairy Cavill as Wolverine?

This week on Nerds United, Mike and Greg explore the rumors of Henry Cavill being cast as Wolverine in Captain Marvel 2, which leads into discussion about The Witcher, Locke and Key, and Man of Steel.

Also, Dynamite Thor (that’s a real thing), and being Belleville’s Number One Podcast.

Nerds United Episode 168: Reboot Reviews, Rivers, and “Robat Batinbat”

In the past week, both Greg and Mike have had the opportunity to watch Jay and Silent Bob Reboot! And in this episode, you can hear long form what the guys thought about Kevin Smith’s latest work.

(You can watch Greg’s short version right here)

We also talk about Nemesis, Playstation 5 being outrageously priced, and Mike names all of the world’s rivers. So we have that!

Oh, let’s not forget the latest images of Robert Pattinson as The Batman.

Nerds United Episode 167: Skeletar?

You’re going to have to listen to the podcast to understand it.

Nerds United Episode 166: Y Not The Last Man and Desert Island Movies

Heeeeey we’re back. After taking a couple weeks off to get healthy (damn germs), we are off and running!

If you had one fictional character’s movie to take with you on a deserted island, who would you choose? That’s part of this week’s discussion, as well as 90s cartoons, Y: The Last Man losing its’ lead actor, Mother Hubbard, and Rick Moranis.

Strap yourselves in for a comedy ride you won’t ever forget! It’s Nerds United with Greg and Mike.

Nerds United Episode 165: Lady Satan, Obi-Wan, and a Broken Truck

Well it’s time for a brand new episode of your favorite podcast (at least, if we are, leave a rating and review on your favorite podcast app).

Mike and Greg talk about Lady Satan, the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, Captain Marvel, and Mortal Kombat (whoa, I almost spelled that with a “C,” like some sort of noob).

We also have some great discussions based on your questions. And if you’d like to ask a question, just hit us up on Facebook, Twitter, or

Enjoy. Be kind. Rewind.

Nerds United Episode 164: Travis Yates and Nostalgia

In this special mid-week episode of Nerds United, we bring back Travis Yates. We hear a bit more about Travis’ bona fides in the realm of media and journalism and get a brief update on what’s going on over on Popology 101 on the Positive Cynicism Podcast Network (the #PCPN, if you will).

This discussion largely centers on nostalgia and the continued reboots/remakes of beloved IP’s of our youth. Greg calls it “nostalgia mining,” ie – the best parts of our youth sold off to the highest bidder. Travis thinks that it’s actually not the worst thing in the world, and how a little blast from the past can be a good thing.

Of course, there’s a brief review of the “Nostalgia” drug in the Watchmen series, hence why we get this classic artwork. Nostalgia and the theft of our youth. Are you for it or against it?

Nerds United Episode 163: Trailers and Other Stuff

Welcome to the first episode of a new year. And no, it won’t be a 14-hour episode. We’ve decided that IF we do a marathon recording, it will only be thirteen hours and five minutes…give or take.

But who has that type of time?

Oh yeah, our friends at ABCD-Bagz.

Anyway, since it’s been a few weeks since our last episode, we’re getting caught up on some geeky trailers that have dropped since the ball in Times Square. Bloodshot, Morbius, Harley Quinn, Black Widow, and more news and notes.

Nerds United Episode 162: #AskNerdsUnited

This week on a very special episode of Nerds United (your last until January 10), we take your questions and do our best to provide worthwhile answers.

Thanks to Eddie Spaghetti, ABCD-Bagz, Rick, Paul, and Chad for some great questions! Have a question for us? You can ask it anytime at

Thanks and Be Kind…Rewind!

Nerds United Episode 161: Hemingway, Stache Publishing, and Christmas

This week on a very special Nerds United, Greg is joined by longtime friend of the show Anthony Mathenia. The two talk about the life and death of Stache Publishing and how projects that began before its untimely ending will see fruition.

One of those projects that is near and dear to Anthony’s heart is a graphic novel based on the life and times of Ernest Hemingway.

Among other topics discussed is a brief Star Wars cartoon that Anthony worked on with Miljenko (an excerpt from the Hemingway graphic novel is visible above). And we talk about Christmas and share a few stories, since Anthony hasn’t been celebrating Christmas too terribly long.

Merry Christmas and/or the holiday of your choosing, everyone!

Nerds United Episode 160: Texas Tornado of Awesome

This week, Mike and Greg are joined for a little while by fellow podcasters Kevin Hunsperger and Chad Smart. The guys talk about podcasting and their respective shows, as well as BREAKING NEWS for the Jittery Monkey Podcast Network.

After Chad and Kevin are dismissed, the Nerds United duo discusses Watchmen and Joker.

Also, despite what you may have seen from other online reviews, Kevin and Chad both appeared to enjoy Star Wars Episode IX: Rise of Skywalker.


Nerds United Episode 159: Movie Trailers and Recipes

This is our first true NU episode since Turkey Before Turkey. And we missed a lot in the week we spent with family.

Trailers for Black Widow, Wonder Woman, Ghostbusters: Afterlife. We talk some recipes for Mike to prepare for another UFC Fight Night.

Also, Watchmen and The Mandalorian.

And I finally picked up Dark Horse Comics’ The Butcher of Paris, written by Stephanie Phillips. Check out my chat with her in the archives.

I think that’s it. It’s late. I probably forgot something.

Oh yeah – who could forget Doctor Hormone?

Nerds United Episode 158: Talking Letterkenny

This week on the show, I invite my friend Patrick Gerhart on to talk about one of our favorite shows, and probably the best thing to come out of Canada since hockey…Letterkenny.

Patrick and I have been talking about getting this conversation recorded for a few months, and with Season 8 of Letterkenny set to arrive on Christmas (in Canada, on December 27 for us in the States), it was a fitting time to get together.

We share some of our favorite scenes and characters, as well as a little backstory on the show. It would be a great honor to have a cast member or writer on the show sometime, so if you’re reading this and have anything to do with Letterkenny, please send an email to

That’s it. Thanks Patrick. Pitter patter, let’s get atter.

Nerds United Episode 157: Turkey Before Turkey 2

This week is the Second Annual Nerds United Turkey Before Turkey episode. And that means our fearless hosts will take a shot of Wild Turkey ahead of tomorrow’s turkey (and food) coma of Thanksgiving.

On this show, we discuss music we were listening to in high school (we might be the only podcast this Thanksgiving weekend to mention Limp Bizkit). We talk about the Speed Centaur and the Invisible Woman, building a cinema universe on a strong foundation instead of sand, and gingers in Star Wars.

And be looking for a very special Cyber Monday sale, where you can get FREE SHIPPING AND 15% off EVERYTHING at our shop. And enjoy the show.

Nerds United Episode 156: The Draft with Kevin Hunsperger

Welcome to a new episode of Nerds United. This week on the show, we are joined by Kevin Husperger, host and sole proprietor of My 1-2-3 Cents the Podcast and

We took your comic book character suggestions and put together a draft, picking seven names each who would do battle in a make-believe arena.

We couldn’t have done it without you. So we thank you.

And also, Greg’s team would win. But you can help decide by voting on the post on Facebook.

Mike and Greg also talk about a few news items before Kevin comes on board. It’s another solid episode, and it’s not 14 hours. So we have that going for us.

Nerds United Episode 155: Disney+ Gets Our Money and Probably Yours

This week on the podcast, Greg and Mike talk about snow days in our youth, local beer, Disney+, The Mandalorian, unexpected finds on the new streaming service, and much more.

And Mike really lets Greg have it for watching Episode 1 of The Mandalorian without telling Mike first. Because Greg’s a dick.

Nerds United Episode 154: Playing Catch Up

This week on the podcast, Greg and Mike pair their beer to some delicious Halloween candy. And the guys get going talking about the topics you come for each episode.

Topics like:

Ant-Man 3
Bloodshot movie and comics
Spider-Man Noir series
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse sequel
Greg being behind on Marvel Netflix shows yet seeming watching John Carter more than once.

And a lot more.

Come for the conversation, stay for the laughs. Or vice versa. We’re not picky. Thanks for listening. If you don’t mind, on your favorite podcast app, hit that Subscribe button. It’s free. And you’ll get new episodes delivered to your device each time. We’re out to save you time. Because we care.

Be kind, and rewind!

Nerds United Episode 153: The Batman Casting and Chad Frickin’ Smart!

This week on a new Nerds United, Greg and Mike discuss the headlines of the week, like casting choices for The Batman, Thor wanting to team up with Captain America and Iron Man once more, and a sequel to the Harry Potter franchise.

And then we are joined by Chad frickin’ Smart, former host of Positive Cynicism on the Jittery Monkey Podcast Network, and founder of the Positive Cynicism Podcast Network. We talk about a couple movies Chad has seen recently, namely Jay and Silent Bob Reboot and The Joker. It was a great chat w/ our buddy from El Lay.

Thanks as always for listening to the show. If you don’t mind, share it. Thanks.

Nerds United Episode 152: The Women of Marvel and Other Topics

This week on a brand new episode of your favorite comic book related podcast ever, Greg and Mike talk about places you may or may not have ever heard about, mention Kevin Smith and Triple H, talk about an all-female Marvel movie, how and when Daredevil could be a part of the MCU and which famous villain turned hero is championing the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen’s return, Jennifer Aniston hating on Marvel movies (probably out of jealousy), Brock vs Cain II in Saudi Arabia, Kevin Hunsperger, host of My 1-2-3 Cents the Podcast and 1/2 of the Stride Pro Wrestling Tag Team Champions, and run-on sentences.

Nerds United Episode 151: Spider-Man, The Batman, and a 67 Impala

This week on a brand new Nerds United – two episodes never alike! – Greg and Mike discuss their lives over the last week. Then they talk about the Walker, Texas Ranger reboot, Jurassic World 3 bringing back some classic names, Brandon Routh as Superman, why Michael Rosenbaum is NOT in the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover for DC CW, and a little (BIG) story surrounding everyone’s favorite web-slinger.

Nerds United Episode 150: EPISODE 150, Y’ALL!

This week on the show, Greg and Mike wax nostalgia and talk about olden times, bring back a long-lost segment of the show, and talk about some of the various news and notes making the rounds this week.

And if you make it to the end, the guys run down some of the offerings on the Disney+ streaming app.

Nerds United Episode 149: Writer and Hockey Enthusiast Stephanie Phillips

This very special mid-week episode features writer Stephanie Phillips, author of Aftershock Comics’ Descendent, as well as Kicking Ice from Ominous Press, and Devil Within from Black Mask Studios. Upcoming projects include but are not limited to The Butcher of Paris from Dark Horse Comics, and other unnamed projects we can’t even discuss.

Learn about Stephanie’s life and career outside of comics. And we do a deep dive into Descendent, which I HIGHLY recommend. Ask your local comic book shop about it. And enjoy the show!

Nerds United Episode 148: Classic TMNT and Micro Machines

This week on Nerds United, Greg and Mike replay the first two episodes of the classic 1989 cartoon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, providing their own unique brand of comedy. 

We also hear about classic Micro Machines, UFC vs WWE, Kevin Hunsperger’s finishing maneuver, and more. Trips down memory lane and old toys for a new generation. 

Thanks for joining us wherever you are. We appreciate you. 

Oh, and at one point, Mike turns off his microphone and we don’t realize it but it’s okay because he’s talking about Brock Lesnar and Brock Lesnar is a turd. 

Nerds United Episode 147: I Stole Chad’s Friend

THAT’S RIGHT! And I’ll do it again! This week on the show, Travis Yates, regular guest on Chad’s Positive Cynicism podcast, stops by via Skype to chat about holding Advanced Degrees in Pop Culture, avoiding a hurricane, the evolution of entertainment, CGI vs practical effects, hating on Terminator, some must-see films, and more.

Be sure to check out Travis’ website, maybe buy a book or two, and thanks for listening to the show.

Nerds United Episode 146: A Big Beefy Wookie

This week on Nerds United, we look at Star Wars A New Hope and cast it through the lens of 2019. Star Wars never existed, and we are casting it with the actors and actresses of today.

Who would you cast as some of the main characters in Star Wars if it were being made in 2019 for the first time? Let us know in the comments or on social media.

Nerds United Episode 145: Jason White Returns and Talks Villains

Jason White, writer and artist of Lost Owl Kingdom, returns to Nerds United as inspiration for this mid-week episode. First we catch up on some of Jason’s news and happenings of this summer.

Then we get down to the matter at hand…which villain do you agree with? Maybe it’s the logic they share in one of their monologues.


Sit back and relax as Greg, Mike, and Jason chat villains, and don’t forget that we’ll have your regular show for you at the end of the week! Because we care!

Nerds United Episode 144: Spider-Man Tug of War and D23

This week on Nerds United, Mike and Greg discuss at length the split between Marvel and Sony over our favorite web-slinger. That was news that rocked the nerd world.

Plus, Masters of the Universe is coming back, thanks to Hero of the Show Kevin Smith (and Netflix). And there’s a lot more content heading to Disney+ that we learned about at D23. So it’s not all sorrow and sadness.

Enjoy the episode and share it with anyone you know. Because you love us, and we love you…probably. I mean, Greg is married but Mike may love you.

….long time.

Nerds United Episode 143: Inside Twilight Comics (Swansea, Illinois)

This special mid-week episode of Nerds United has Greg in his favorite comic book store. He’s talking with Brian the owner about the state of the comic book industry, how digital platforms have affected brick and mortar stores, and how publishers and comic book store owners are co-existing.

If you haven’t yet, check out this short video Greg and Brian made while destroying a couple of comic books.

Mike will be back for the week’s recap of news Friday night as usual. There are a lot of headlines that came out this week. We look forward to sharing them all with you.

Nerds United Episode 142: The Boys Talking about The Boys…and more

This week on an all-new Nerds United, Greg and Mike are talking about Catwoman’s “controversial” new costume, as well as The Lion King, Avengers: Endgame, destroying comics, and The Boys (now on Amazon Prime).

Give it a listen and share it with the nerds in your social circle.

Nerds United Episode 141: X-Men and Marvel, DC Comics, and Skittles

This week on Nerds United, Greg and Co-Host of the Year Mike talk about what comics Greg has been reading, having leftover beer, merging the Marvel and X-Men cinematic universes, how it could go right, and where the X-Men went so wrong.

And then there’s Skittles.

Nerds United Episode 140: Putting a Bow on SDCC News

This is it! Your intense review of all things San Diego Comic Con. Plus The Boys on Amazon Prime, lots of Marvel news, and a cameo (run-in) from Positive Cynicism host Chad Smart regarding an interaction with an Avenger.

Enjoy the show. Please take a minute or two to leave a rate and review on your favorite podcast app. It may seem like a pain in the ass, but it could help get our show to more listeners. And if we do that, we’ll cut down the length of the show one minute for each new listener (probably).

Nerds United Episode 139: Living in the Matrix and Spider-Man Far from Home

This week on the show, the guys deep-dive into Spider-Man Far From Home. SPOILER ALERT!

We will give away information on almost all aspects of the movie. If you haven’t seen the movie and want to avoid spoilers, you can start the episode, but you definitely can’t finish it.

We also discuss Greg’s existential crisis about living in a Matrix.

You can now find our show on Spotify. So add that to Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, and Podbean. If you can’t find us be searching for Nerds United, just search for Jittery Monkey.

Nerds United Episode 138: Spider-Man Far From Home and other Marvel Topics

This week we welcome back the Co-Host of the Year Mike Luther. Mike saw Spider-Man Far From Home on opening day and talked briefly about the movie (NO SPOILERS). We also discussed Season Three of Jessica Jones on Netflix, Avenger: Endgame being re-released to theaters and how what was added upset some movie-goers. But we also talked about dreams and how reality sometimes creeps into them. We talk about The Walking Dead ending its tremendous run, and the beer we are drinking.


Your voice was heard and you, the fans of the podcast, are now and shall forever be referred to as “Nerdy Nimrods.”

Nerds United Episode 137: Comic Creator and Comic Series Actor Jason White

Hey everyone – thank you so much for downloading this episode of Nerds United. This week, Greg is joined by comic creator Jason White. Jason’s written and drawn comic book LOST OWN KINGDOM is available now to support on Kickstarter.

I came to know Jason through our mutual friend in the independent comics industry, Mr. Anthony Mathenia of Stache Publishing. So shout-out to Anthony.

In this episode, we will learn about Jason’s entry into comic books and why he writes about the content he does. We talk about his foray into acting and how he relocated to follow his dream.

And as a bonus, we discuss the dangers of technology. So give this one a listen. You won’t be disappointed. And share it with your friends. And support the Kickstarter.

That’s not asking too much, is it?

Nerds United Episode 136: The Stanley Cup and a Galaxy Far Far Away

Welcome to a brand new episode of Nerds United. This week, Greg and Mike are joined by special guest (and host of Jittery Monkey’s Positive Cynicism) Chad Smart!

Chad has gone coast to coast in the last week, flying from his home in Los Angeles to take in the historic Game Seven of the Stanley Cup Final in Boston. But he also traveled to the Galaxy’s Edge, and talked to your hosts about all that he saw at Disneyland’s newest expansion!

Then Greg and Mike discuss some additions and subtractions to streaming media, ie Jessica Jones and Swamp Thing. They also talk about Captain Marvel and have a poll up this weekend on the Facebook page for you to vote in!

Nerds United Episode 135: Greg’s Alone on a Friday Night

Mike abandoned the show…to go SWIMMING?!? What the hell? So I did a little Facebook Live for a brief episode. Discussing cinematic Wolverine, podcast Wolverine, and shirtless Mike, which apparently resembles that of Wolverine.

There’s some stuff I forgot to discuss, but I’ll save that for next week when Mike returns.

Nerds United Episode 134: Indiana Jones, Deadpool, and Crossovers

It’s been a couple weeks but the CO-HOST OF THE YEAR is back! Mike makes his triumphant return to the show AND my kitchen table for a great conversation about Indiana Jones, Deadpool, the unlikelihood of a Marvel/DC crossover, King Kong and Godzilla, and The Matrix.

There’s beer. There’s laughs. It’s always a good time, at least for us. And if you enjoy what we’re doing here, throw us a rate and review on your favorite podcast app. That’s free. If you LOVE what we do here, buy some merch at the Jittery Monkey Shop.

Nerds United Episode 133: Kicking Off a Broderick Kickstarter

Hello again and welcome to a brand new episode if Nerds United. In this episode, Greg is talking to two past guests, Ron Bryce and Jay Peteranetz, creators of Broderick, a 4-issue comic book.

Broderick Issue #2 is now available for your support on Kickstarter.

Issue #2 will feature a Kickstarter exclusive variant cover by Marvel/DC artist Tom Lyle. You have until June 27 to support this book. And really, there’s no reason not to. Indy comics, like indy music, movies, and even wrestling, are an art form, and you’re helping new content to be made.

So get out your wallet and pledge a buck…or twenty.

Nerds United Episode 132: Batman, Rescue Rangers, Theater Etiquette

We’re back! After taking a week off after dropping two award-winning podcasts in one night two weeks ago, we’re here to talk about the recent news of Robert Pattinson being cast as Batman. But that’s not all.

Did you know there’s a Chip n Dale’s Rescue Rangers live action movie being made? And where does Gargoyles rank in Greg’s hierarchy of cartoons?

Popeye makes an appearance, and we talk about movie theater etiquette and what we prefer in our theater experiences.

So that’s the show. Please support us by throwing up a rate and review on the podcast app of your choice. And if you’re feeling really generous, buy a shirt at our SHOP. Buy this weekend and save 15% on everything!

Nerds United Episode 131: Avengers Endgame SPOILER-FILLED Chat

I mean, it’s pretty much all right there in the title. In this episode, we’re talking about Avengers Endgame. If you haven’t seen that movie, your time would be better spent watching it before listening to this podcast.

Do NOT blame us if you feel cheated if you didn’t follow these basic rules. We are not responsible for ruining this movie and the last eleven years of Marvel goodness if you fail to watch the movie before listening to this episode.

Go watch it. Hell, Mike is going this weekend to see it again!

And don’t forget to check out our Shop. It’s the best and easiest way to support what we’re doing here, besides leaving a rate and review on your favorite podcast app!

Nerds United Episode 130: Game of Thrones, Sonic the Hedgehog, Cape Comic Con

In this quick episode, Mike and Greg recap their visit to Cape Comic Con, talk about Game of Thrones (which is a one-sided conversation), and discuss Sonic the Hedgehog and Detective Pikachu.

Make sure you grab a shirt at the Shop and use the promo code
MAYFLOWERS19 now through May 6 and get free shipping on your order!

Nerds United Episode 129: Cape Comic Con, Game of Thrones, Avengers Endgame

This week, there’s no Mike. So it’s automatically 1/2 as awesome as usual. But I’m here with a shorter episode to get you ready for Cape Comic Con this coming weekend.

That’s not all the excitement headed your was the weekend of April 26. We also get Avengers Endgame! And I will be taking it in Friday night with my wife. I’m really excited, as I’m sure most of the world is. But if you know someone on your Facebook friends list who doesn’t get our love of these movie franchises, maybe they post things like “I don’t get what all of the hype is over these comic book movies” or something similar, just un-friend them. As the old saying goes, you don’t need that type of negativity in your life.

Spoiler alert…spoilers are coming.

Nerds United Episode 128: Disney+, Star Wars, and Shazam!

Holy crap! Greg made it to the movies! So this episode, we talk about Shazam! And Disney+ released its “go-live” date as well as the price points.

We talk about what Disney+ is offering, as well as what that announcement means for Netflix.

The other topics discussed are the updated Lion King movie, Lady and the Tramp, and a little movie franchise called Star Wars.

Thanks to Mike for getting all the celebrity shout-outs handled on social media. Mike’s the best! (not actually written by Mike…for clarification – GM)

Nerds United Episode 127: Ahh that Joker Trailer

It’s time for a new episode of your favorite podcast featuring your favorite people.

This week, Mike and Greg are talking about the Joker trailer that dropped this week. But we also talk about Shazam, Avengers Endgame (spoiler alert – don’t watch the latest trailer).

And don’t forget that we (Greg, Kevin from My 1-2-3 Cents, and Chad from Positive Cynicism…and hopefully Mike?) will be at Cape Comic Con this month, April 26-28. We’ll be there on the Saturday with a table and doing some podcast recording, so be sure to stop and say hi.

Nerds United Episode 126: Top Five Comic Book Movie Scenes

Hey everyone – we’re back with a brand new episode of Nerds United. This episode starts with some news and notes but the episode is really centered around one of Mike’s more brilliant ideas – counting down our top five scenes from comic book movies.

What scenes from which movies made the cut? Do you agree or disagree with the scenes we selected? We want to know, so leave a comment on the Facebook page.

And rate/review the show on your favorite podcast app, show it to us, and you’re likely to receive something in the mail from the show. We don’t know what it is yet – but we have stuff to give away.

Enjoy the show and share it with your friends!

Nerds United Episode 125: Two Guys, a Girl, and a Movie Theatre

Well the two guys are Greg and Mike, obviously. The girl – Captain Marvel. The movie theatre is where Greg and Mike saw Captain Marvel on opening night.

Did it live up to the hype? Were there twists and turns? Are the guys going to drop a quinjet worth of spoilers? FIND OUT in the brand new episode, recorded before and after the show.

That’s right – it’s a truck, er, I mean a Jeep episode! We talk about the movie in non-spoiler ways, what we liked about it, what we didn’t, and it we felt it was a little too obvious in some places (it was). And then Greg remembers he needs a gallon of milk.

So that’s our show. Remember to rate and review our show on your favorite podcast app, take a screenshot of it, and share it with us. It may just be worth your while. Seriously.

Nerds United Episode 124: Prelude to Captain Marvel

Finally!!!! Greg let me write this part of the thing…look…does anyone really read this thing? I mean, come on, we spend hours and hours thinking of stuff to write here and for what? OK, you caught me. That is a lie. Greg usually puts some type of thought into it. Me? I just like to ramble until I remember what we just talked about on the podcast. This ole noggin aint what it used to be. Captain Marvel, we talk about that. I bet you probably knew that though from the title. What else do we talk about? Venom…yes…I am starting to remember now. It is all coming back to me. Greg finally sat down and watched Venom. Spoiler alert: he liked it but said that Topher Grace is the real Venom….ok not true, but I forgot to make that joke during the podcast so I had to do it here. We also talk about the Xmen Dark Phoenix trailer and Hellboy Reboot trailer. Geez louise, we talk a lot. Actually not as much as some episodes cause it is Sunday. Friday Greg was a bit tuckered out and….wait, why am I telling this story, just listen to the podcast. Then tell all of your friends to listen, and tell their friends…and so on and so forth. Like, subscribe, rate, review, high five us when or if you ever see us in public. I’ll even take a selfie with you……Just saying. Bye!

Nerds United Episode 123: Beer, Wrestling, Superheroes

Did you see the news this week from Hollywood?

So it got me thinking – what other super hero movie actors could or should be cast in some professional wrestling biopics. So that’s really the premise of the show.

We enjoy beers from Germany and make inappropriate jokes. The show goes off the rails and Greg’s son says goodnight.


Nerds United Episode 122: Back at the Brewery

It’s Stout Month at 4204 Main Street Brewing Company in our adoptive town of Belleville so we start our episode (and our live video) with some stout brews.

This episode, we talk about a giveaway, a fund raiser (they are mutually exclusive of one another), losing loved ones to heart attacks, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Superman: Red Son, some X-Men, and the DC and Disney streaming apps.

We are just two guys who like beer and BOY HOWDY did we enjoy some today. We also took our first ever on-air caller and we had plenty of laughs.

Nerds United Episode 121: The Podcast that Casts

This week, YOU THE LISTENER submitted comic book characters to Nerds United to have us cast them if we were in charge of Hollywood. We’re not – but we still had a lot of fun casting the following:

  • New Batman
  • Small Green Lantern Corps
  • Moon Knight
  • He-Man
  • Thundercats
  • Clayface
  • Ghost Rider
  • Spectre
  • Neil Gaiman’s Sandman
  • X-O Manowar
  • Lobo
  • Spawn
  • Wolverine

So enjoy the show and the random topics we have ahead of it. Let us know what you think about the show by leaving a review on your favorite app (like Apple Podcasts). And when you do, good or bad, we’ll read them on the show.

That’s it. And remember, Be kind. Rewind.

Nerds United Episode 120: Topics from a Hat

This week on Nerds United, Greg and Mike take topics from a hat. They wrote the topics down ahead of time but didn’t share the ideas with the other, so part of it is a surprise.

The guys talk about the Avengers and the Justice League, latent mutant abilities, shin splints, bringing back key old-time phrases (“BOY HOWDY!”), Letterkenny, 100 Years, Quentin Tarantino, and more.

Episode 121 will depend a lot on you, as the guys want you to provide superheroes (or villains) you’d like to see on the big screen and they will give their casting recommendations, a la this archived episode way back in October 2014.

So be looking for that post on social media later in the week, as we’ll need some time to do our proper research!

In the meantime, enjoy Episode 120 of the best podcast you aren’t telling anyone about!

Nerds United Episode 119: IMDb and the Silver Foxes

This episode is all over the place. But before we get to that, you need to know that this weekend, you can save 20% on your t-shirts at the Jittery Monkey Shop. Get those Nerds United shirts, take a picture, and share them with us.

This week, Mike and Greg talk about Brightburn, Spider-Man: Far From Home, Elizabeth Banks, IMDb, and Mike’s incredibly old sister.

If you need more info than that, you should probably just listen to the show. In fact, you should just listen to the show, period.

Nerds United Episode 118: Aquaman Review and a Lot More

Mike’s back this week and that means good things for you, faithful listener. In Episode 118, we talk about Y: The Last Man, Midnight Nation, Justice League, and a lot more.

Shout-outs to Mike’s mom (as always). And Chad and Mike at Positive Cynicism talked this week about their nostalgia for MTV, and I’ll tell ya, as a couple of guys who graduated high school in 2000…we didn’t have that MTV connection that those old farts had.

And of course, we talk about Aquaman, because GREG ACTUALLY SAW A MOVIE WHILE IT WAS IN THEATERS! And also Greg’s pretty sure that Mike would start his own podcast with friends who could see movies in theaters in a timely manner.

Oh yeah – be sure to check out the store for great merchandise!

Nerds United Episode 117: Podception – Jamie Farr in a Hat

So – new editor here on WordPress. I’m nothing if not stuck in my ways, so obviously I hate it. Much like every new layout of Facebook that gets rolled out, it will just take some getting used to. Hopefully it doesn’t take long to figure it out.

In this episode, I do a run-in on the ABCD-Bags Podcast.


This conversation starts with comic books like Y: The Last Man and its upcoming TV adaptation as well as various titles from Valiant Comics. Then we talk about the Mandela Effect, Curious George, and Berenstain Bears.

We talk about popcorn and peanut butter, Nebraska athletics, beer, and Jamie Farr. It’s a gem of a podcast, with special shout outs to Mike’s mom (because she won’t listen). Don’t forget to do some shopping at because this podcast doesn’t pay for itself…and it’d be really nice if it did.

Nerds United Episode 116: Very Special Christmas Special 2018

Well, we’re finally here. The weekend before Christmas. And if you’re like me, you are nowhere near ready for the holiday. From decorating to wrapping, yeah – it’s another year of being behind the Eight Ball.

In this episode, Mike and I are joined by our very special guest, Mike’s son Nolan. Nolan brings a youthful perspective that we have long outgrown. But this kid is sharp and quick-witted and not afraid to lay in a few zingers from time to time. And what he did after we finished recording – well, I can’t even explain it.

So enjoy the show. Enjoy your holiday season. and Merry Christmas!

Nerds United Episode 115: Friday Night Thoughts on Aquaman and Marvel

Hey there! Happy Friday night/Saturday morning. Greg and Mike got together and spent a little time on Facebook as well as some audio-only content. We cover Aquaman and the DC Cinematic Universe, as well as the DC CW crossover event this past week titled Elseworlds.

Also, since we last got together, Marvel released trailers for Captain Marvel and Avengers: Endgame.

Plus we have a special treat from Greg’s early terrestrial radio days, and lots of love for Tom and Jim’s Top 5.

Don’t forget to get your shirts and merch from the shop! Your support is greatly appreciated, and if you did order a shirt, share your merch on social media so we can give you props!

Nerds United Episode 114: Post-Thanksgiving

Hello and welcome to a brand new Nerds United. We sure are happy you’re here.

In this week’s episode, Mike and Greg talk about their Thanksgiving weekends and their awesome families. Another of your favorite Marvel shows is leaving Netflix, which we all anticipated. Fuller House is still on the streaming service. But that Disney App is starting to look pretty inviting. However, we’re still pretty sure there’s one 1946 movie that will remain buried in the vault.

Hear Nickelback cover a Metallica song, and hear the guys talk about the Joker movie, and how Mike says the DC Cinematic Standalone Universe is still unproven.

“You’re a wizard, Harry.” Famous words from a famous giant (or giant-like man). But what are some ridiculous things that Hagrid could have told Harry Potter that would have been just as believable (if not just as odd) as telling a ten-year-old boy that he’s a wizard?

Thanks to everyone who has picked up a shirt. Want to be one of the cool kids? Get your shirt here.

Nerds United: Episode 113: Turkey Before Turkey

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! Surprisingly this is not Greg typing this. It is I, your co-host of the year. You are welcome everyone. Greg said I had to type something out and make it at least 150 words. I said, “No problem my main man Gregorino,” or something to that effect. I guess I should actually talk about the podcast now since Greg is watching what I type…well we talked about Thanksgiving episodes, Stan Lee’s unfortunate passing, high school stuff, Secret Wars, Super Secret Wars (I don’t think that is the actual name of the comic but it works.) Oooh, I should make a comic called Super Duper Secret Wars. How many words is this? This is harder than I thought. Pretty sure Greg will not let me do this again. Ok, 129 words so far. I need 150. By the way, does anyone read this really? And if so, are you single and female? Just throwing it out there.

And buy a shirt.

Nerds United Episode 112: HE’S A SKRULL!!!

It is time for a brand new episode, back home in the kitchen of the Nerds United Lair!

But fear not, we’re bringing the spirit of 4204 Main Street Brewing Company (or should we say spirits…we’re drinking) with us.

In this episode, we’re talking about Wolverine: The Long Night, which completed its ten-episode run of season one this past weekend on Apple Podcasts. We also talk about Secret Invasion, Heroes in Crisis, Brad Meltzer’s Justice League run, Superman Red Son, and a lot more.

At the end of the episode, we also give away a copy of The Comic Book Story of BEER!

If you like beer and you like comic books, you will love this book! It’s chock full of great information!

Enjoy the podcast on your favorite podcast app or check out the live stream on the Facebook page!

Nerds United Episode 111: Hanging Out at the 4204 Brewery

You read that right, true believers! In this very special “Field Trip Edition” of the podcast, Greg and Mike are hanging out and recording from the 4204 Main Street Brewing Company Taphouse/Production Brewery. In other words, if you’re in Illinois, Missouri, or Kansas and you see a six-pack of a delicious 4204 brew, it was brewed right behind where we were sitting.

We were very fortunate that the good people at the brewery, from the owners to the Head Brewer Keith to Deja the Taphouse Manager and provider of fine ales and lagers, opened their doors to us. Because we like beer. And they have beer. It’s a perfect symbiotic relationship.

So the first thirty or so minutes of the podcast, we were actually streaming and recording live on Facebook. Three people. Two microphones. We’re podcasters, not math geniuses. Anyway, that first half hour was spent with Keith learning all about the beer making process and also trying different beers. You’ll notice in the featured photo that Greg finished his beers. He ended up bringing two growlers home, including the Tickle for his wife.

After we let Keith get back to work, Mike and Greg talk about some comic book topics, including Return of Wolverine, Heroes in Crisis, and Cry Havoc.

There’s a giveaway we’re working on. It is for The Comic Book Story of Beer. Fitting, right? Let’s do this. If you read this, share the post on Facebook. I’ll enter all who do into a random drawing and the winner will get the graphic novel delivered to their front door!

That’s pretty much it. Enjoy the show, and thank you again to Keith, Deja, and everyone who helped make our trip to 4204 Brewery possible!

Nerds United Episode 110: Drinking, Halloween, and Comics

In this BRAND NEW EPISODE of Nerds United, Greg and Co-Host of the YEEEAAARRR Mike regale each other with tales of alcohol foolishness from days gone by. We also talk about our favorite Halloween candy, haunted houses and a slew of nerdy topics. Let’s run down the list.

  • Marvel Civil War vs MCU’s Civil War
  • Mark Millar’s Huck
  • Marvel and Netflix
  • The Immortal Iron Fist
  • Luke Cage
  • Heroes for Hire…?
  • The Flash (aka the Scarlet Speedster aka the Fastest Man Alive)
  • Rejection from Pro Wrestling Tees (insert sad face here)
  • Support Kevin from My 1-2-3 Cents the Podcast and HIS PWT’s store HERE!
  • Wolverine: The Long Night – the serial podcast for ANYONE who enjoys a good murder mystery
  • ABCD-bagz
  • Tom and Jim’s Top 5

As always, friends, we appreciate your support and love those who give it. We hope you enjoy this episode and all of our episodes. And while you support us for FREE, we encourage you to support others carving their own path in independent content creation. With that in mind, PLEASE consider supporting West of Oz on Kickstarter. You have only seven more days to lend your support. This is a great project. I (Greg) have personally supported it twice in the past and have done so again. If you need a refresher of what you get with the West of Oz story, please go back and listen to Episode 109 in the archives. Here’s the link to the Kickstarter. It’s a great way to help others realize their dreams.

And since you’re such great people, please enjoy this picture we discussed in the episode about me as the illegitimate fifth member of MuDvAyNe back in 2003 when I was a wee lad of 21.

Nerds United Episode 109: West of Oz Strikes Back

Two episodes in one calendar week. You know what that means…time is of the essence!

You have just a couple more weeks to once again lend support to West of Oz! Sean Benner and Nick Winand have been on the show before and we have used the Nerds United Bump to aid in getting two Kickstarter campaigns successfully funded.

The Kickstarter is for the Volume 2, issues 4-5-6, of the 9-part series of this original interpretation of Frank L Baum’s Wizard of Oz story. In this episode, Greg talks with Sean and Nick about this section of the overall narrative, creating on a schedule, travelling to various cities for comic cons (it’s coming, Scottsbluff, Nebraska), and more.

Hey, it’s me. Greg. I’m a big believer in this project. I’ve been on board since Day One, Campaign One. I have supported this venture both in promotion and financially. I’m one of those that wants to see this story’s end. So help me get this project funded. Your $10, $20, or $30 can go a long way.

I thank you. Sean, Nick, Amanda, and Danielle thank you. Now enjoy some artwork they shared with me during our chat.


Nerds United Episode 108: To and From Babble-On

It’s a truck show as Greg and Mike are on the road to see Kevin Smith and Ralph Garman in St Louis, MO. We talk about our excitement for the show as well as Batwoman, Venom, and traffic.

I’d type more, but it’s 2-damn-24.

Nerds United Episode 107: Top Five TV/Sitcom Couples

For this episode, I took my recording equipment down to southeast Missouri to see my friends Jared and Nia Smith. We watched some TV, talked about food, and then recorded an epic episode of Nerds United!

Hey, Tom and Jim’s Top 5, we’re blatantly (with your permission) borrowing your gimmick in a way that I don’t believe you have utilized in the past. We’re talking about our top five TV/sitcom couples. And in typical fashion, right out of the gates, curveballs. Man, I didn’t see some of Jared and Nia’s responses coming. Also, I was admonished greatly for watching the right shows. So…there’s that.

What can I say – I like what I like and a rarely venture out of my comfort zone. But now I have homework.

Well, I should give THEM homework. Did you know that the good Smith duo hasn’t seen most of the Marvel movies? And they want to bust my chops for not watching 30 Rock? Whaaaaaat?

So anyway, enjoy the show. It’s a good one. But of course, they all are.

Nerds United Episode 106: Captain Marvel, Dark Phoenix, and Much More

It’s time for a brand new episode of your favorite comic book/movie/pop culture podcast that you can find on the Jittery Monkey Podcast Network. Mike and Greg talk about the Captain Marvel trailer, the Dark Phoenix trailer, Deadpool 2, what we’ve seen from the new Joker movie, and take a trip back in time to movies they appreciated as children. For Mike, it was the Savage brothers and Howie Mandel in Little Monsters. For Greg, it was being introduced to the F-Bomb in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and Critters (seen here).

We also talk about beer, have our weekly review of Tom and Jim’s Top 5 (you’re welcome), talk about podcasts at the grassroots level and how they (okay, we) need your support. Not financial (not yet). But just help us get the word out about our podcasts here at Jittery Monkey. Share them with your friends. Subscribe if you haven’t already. Rate and review on your favorite podcast app. It helps. And we appreciate you.

Nerds United Episode 105: Discussing Various Cinematic Universes

In this episode, Greg and Mike discuss some of the cinematic universes, as well as what constitutes a cinematic universe instead of a linear story.

These two former classmates also share some high school stories, including both being in the National Honor Society and then kicked out of the illustrious organization.

The show gets interrupted by Greg’s son who decided that he didn’t need to stay in his bed.

And then we dive deep into the topic at hand: The Marvel Cinematic Universe, as well as the Worlds of DC, the Universal Monsters Universe and the Monster-verse featuring Godzilla and King Kong.

A brief chat about Captain Marvel at the end that it was go-home time. So give it a listen and follow the show on social media and subscribe on your own favorite podcast app.

Nerds United Episode 104: Old Man Logan, Kingdom Come, The Office and Parks & Rec

Hey kids! Greg and Mike here with a brand new episode of your favorite comic book/pop culture podcast! The numbers are in and we are definitely #1 for this genre in the Southern Illinois area, and will fight any other podcast that tries to claim otherwise (unless you’re bigger than us – ML).

This week, we’re talking about some books that Greg loaned to Mike for his reading pleasure. Then there’s a recap of Greg’s day trip to Chicagoland, which, if you’re wondering, is about the only way to go to Chicagoland. Lots of “windshield time.”

Get Mike’s scoop on Old Man Logan and Kingdom Come. Greg will be passing along some more books to Mike for future reading.

Now the coup de grace is the discussion at the end when the guys discuss The Office and Parks & Recreation. Make sure you stick around for that and share your ideas in the comments on Facebook or join the conversation on Twitter.

Nerds United Episode 103: Writer/Artist David Gorden

Back to basics! This type of episode was the very beginning of Nerds United, where I would sit down with a comic book creator and hear their tale, their “origin story,” where I learned how they became interested in comics and how the early interest turned into a lifelong passion and eventually them creating comics themselves.

This week I’m joined by David Gorden, a creator I had the good fortune to meet somewhat accidentally earlier this summer. Hear the story of our initial meeting and hear how David became interested in comic books. In this episode, you’ll learn as I did how personal loss shaped his career, and how sometimes we go back home to get back on track.

David put out a graphic novel earlier this year called “Kwame Hightower and the Man with No Name.” It tells the story of 12-year-old Kwame, a boy from North St. Louis, who pulls Excalibur from the Sacred Stone, thus becoming King of England, and opens Kwame’s life to new adventures and possibilities the likes of which he never even thought about. Pick up your copy of the book on Amazon using the handy link right below, or listen to the end of the episode to hear how you can win an autographed copy of the book yourself.

Find David on social media on all of these convenient locations:


While we’re at it, check out the show on social media:


Nerds United Episode 102: Ask the Nerds

Hey everybody! Greg and Mike (@MikeRLuther) here. This week on an all-new episode of the show, we take your questions. But we also did something fun on Facebook as we streamed the first ten or fifteen minutes of the recording before switching primarily to the audio format. So head over to and watch that before listening to the remainder of the episode.

Also, BIG shout out to Tom from Tom and Jim’s Top 5 for interacting with us on Facebook. They also have a new episode coming out today. So make sure you subscribe to and download their shows as well.

So some of the questions we answer pertain to DC Universe streaming app, comic book characters we’d like to see on the big screen (that we haven’t yet), the Marvel/James Gunn/Dave Bautista situation, and favorite fictional beverages.

Plus we discuss Power Rangers, the Batman movie, Baywatch, and a lot more.

At the end of the episode, we talk about high-dollar collectibles or memorabilia we’d own if money was no factor. So I leave it to you. Head over to Facebook and join the discussion by telling us what pop culture piece of memorabilia you’d own if you could.

And remember to be kind. Rewind.