This week on the show, Greg and Mike wax nostalgia and talk about olden times, bring back a long-lost segment of the show, and talk about some of the various news and notes making the rounds this week.
And if you make it to the end, the guys run down some of the offerings on the Disney+ streaming app.
After ten years, Marvel has completed the most ambitious story in cinematic history. Over the course of 22 movies, Marvel has taken some lesser known superheroes and crafted a roughly 50 hour story using six different main characters.
Marvel isn’t the only franchise breaking the traditional celluloid story telling method. Warner Bros. and DC have tried to copy Marvel’s game plan with the Justice League universe. Horror film, The Conjuring has its own interwoven stories and then there’s Kevin Smith’s Viewaskewiverse.
On this edition of Positive Cynicism, @chadsmart and Eric Bennett discuss the different cinematic universes regarding what works, what doesn’t and what they’d like to see in future film franchises.
For their first episode of 2019, @chadsmart and Eric Bennett start the show discussing Eric’s most anticipated films of 2019. From there, Chad explains how the cost of going to the movies keeps him away from the theater which leads to a bigger discussion regarding the price of extracurricular activies.
Nerds United Episode 115: Friday Night Thoughts on Aquaman and Marvel[ 1:43:53 | 0.01 MB ]Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (999)
Hey there! Happy Friday night/Saturday morning. Greg and Mike got together and spent a little time on Facebook as well as some audio-only content. We cover Aquaman and the DC Cinematic Universe, as well as the DC CW crossover event this past week titled Elseworlds.
Also, since we last got together, Marvel released trailers for Captain Marvel and Avengers: Endgame.
Plus we have a special treat from Greg’s early terrestrial radio days, and lots of love for Tom and Jim’s Top 5.
Don’t forget to get your shirts and merch from the shop! Your support is greatly appreciated, and if you did order a shirt, share your merch on social media so we can give you props!
Hello and welcome to a brand new Nerds United. We sure are happy you’re here.
In this week’s episode, Mike and Greg talk about their Thanksgiving weekends and their awesome families. Another of your favorite Marvel shows is leaving Netflix, which we all anticipated. Fuller House is still on the streaming service. But that Disney App is starting to look pretty inviting. However, we’re still pretty sure there’s one 1946 movie that will remain buried in the vault.
Hear Nickelback cover a Metallica song, and hear the guys talk about the Joker movie, and how Mike says the DC Cinematic Standalone Universe is still unproven.
“You’re a wizard, Harry.” Famous words from a famous giant (or giant-like man). But what are some ridiculous things that Hagrid could have told Harry Potter that would have been just as believable (if not just as odd) as telling a ten-year-old boy that he’s a wizard?
Thanks to everyone who has picked up a shirt. Want to be one of the cool kids? Get your shirt here.
It is time for a brand new episode, back home in the kitchen of the Nerds United Lair!
But fear not, we’re bringing the spirit of 4204 Main Street Brewing Company (or should we say spirits…we’re drinking) with us.
In this episode, we’re talking about Wolverine: The Long Night, which completed its ten-episode run of season one this past weekend on Apple Podcasts. We also talk about Secret Invasion, Heroes in Crisis, Brad Meltzer’s Justice League run, Superman Red Son, and a lot more.
At the end of the episode, we also give away a copy of The Comic Book Story of BEER!
If you like beer and you like comic books, you will love this book! It’s chock full of great information!
Enjoy the podcast on your favorite podcast app or check out the live stream on the Facebook page!
Nerds United Episode 111: Hanging Out at the 4204 Brewery[ 1:32:58 | 0.01 MB ]Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (669)
You read that right, true believers! In this very special “Field Trip Edition” of the podcast, Greg and Mike are hanging out and recording from the 4204 Main Street Brewing Company Taphouse/Production Brewery. In other words, if you’re in Illinois, Missouri, or Kansas and you see a six-pack of a delicious 4204 brew, it was brewed right behind where we were sitting.
We were very fortunate that the good people at the brewery, from the owners to the Head Brewer Keith to Deja the Taphouse Manager and provider of fine ales and lagers, opened their doors to us. Because we like beer. And they have beer. It’s a perfect symbiotic relationship.
So the first thirty or so minutes of the podcast, we were actually streaming and recording live on Facebook. Three people. Two microphones. We’re podcasters, not math geniuses. Anyway, that first half hour was spent with Keith learning all about the beer making process and also trying different beers. You’ll notice in the featured photo that Greg finished his beers. He ended up bringing two growlers home, including the Tickle for his wife.
After we let Keith get back to work, Mike and Greg talk about some comic book topics, including Return of Wolverine, Heroes in Crisis, and Cry Havoc.
There’s a giveaway we’re working on. It is for The Comic Book Story of Beer. Fitting, right? Let’s do this. If you read this, share the post on Facebook. I’ll enter all who do into a random drawing and the winner will get the graphic novel delivered to their front door!
That’s pretty much it. Enjoy the show, and thank you again to Keith, Deja, and everyone who helped make our trip to 4204 Brewery possible!
Nerds United Episode 110: Drinking, Halloween, and Comics[ 1:55:18 | 158.35 MB ]Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (784)
In this BRAND NEW EPISODE of Nerds United, Greg and Co-Host of the YEEEAAARRR Mike regale each other with tales of alcohol foolishness from days gone by. We also talk about our favorite Halloween candy, haunted houses and a slew of nerdy topics. Let’s run down the list.
Marvel Civil War vs MCU’s Civil War
Mark Millar’s Huck
Marvel and Netflix
The Immortal Iron Fist
Luke Cage
Heroes for Hire…?
The Flash (aka the Scarlet Speedster aka the Fastest Man Alive)
Rejection from Pro Wrestling Tees (insert sad face here)
Support Kevin from My 1-2-3 Cents the Podcast and HIS PWT’s store HERE!
Wolverine: The Long Night – the serial podcast for ANYONE who enjoys a good murder mystery
Tom and Jim’s Top 5
As always, friends, we appreciate your support and love those who give it. We hope you enjoy this episode and all of our episodes. And while you support us for FREE, we encourage you to support others carving their own path in independent content creation. With that in mind, PLEASE consider supporting West of Oz on Kickstarter. You have only seven more days to lend your support. This is a great project. I (Greg) have personally supported it twice in the past and have done so again. If you need a refresher of what you get with the West of Oz story, please go back and listen to Episode 109 in the archives. Here’s the link to the Kickstarter. It’s a great way to help others realize their dreams.
And since you’re such great people, please enjoy this picture we discussed in the episode about me as the illegitimate fifth member of MuDvAyNe back in 2003 when I was a wee lad of 21.
Nerds United Episode 105: Discussing Various Cinematic Universes[ 138.22 MB ]Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (625)
In this episode, Greg and Mike discuss some of the cinematic universes, as well as what constitutes a cinematic universe instead of a linear story.
These two former classmates also share some high school stories, including both being in the National Honor Society and then kicked out of the illustrious organization.
The show gets interrupted by Greg’s son who decided that he didn’t need to stay in his bed.
And then we dive deep into the topic at hand: The Marvel Cinematic Universe, as well as the Worlds of DC, the Universal Monsters Universe and the Monster-verse featuring Godzilla and King Kong.
A brief chat about Captain Marvel at the end that it was go-home time. So give it a listen and follow the show on social media and subscribe on your own favorite podcast app.
Hey everyone and thank you for taking the time to click the link, open the description in your podcast app, or however you came across reading these words.
As many of you know, for this episode, I was really wanting to have Kevin Smith as my guest. But that ended up not happening. I’ll try him again at a different time. I know he has plenty of irons in various fires.
So for this episode, I’m just getting you caught up on some of what I have been and will be reading. I’ve told my people at Twilight Comics (in Swansea, IL) that I’m going to convert from single issues to trade paperbacks, and to start ordering accordingly for me. The staff there is always thinking of new ways to get people in the doors, and Tuesday night’s “wedding celebration” of Batman and Catwoman was no different. I wasn’t there, but my son had some leftover cake on Wednesday.
So here’s a short list of some books I recommend: Superman/Batman: Finest Worlds, Kwame Hightower and the Man With No Name, and for kicks, anytime you see a Hellboy TPB on your store’s shelves, just buy it and read it.
That’s all for now. You’re great. I thank you for 5+ years of support and listenership and I promise that Episode 200 will be before 2023.
Nerds United Episode 99: Counting Down Our Favorite "Bad" Comic Book Movies[ 2:22:46 | 0.01 MB ]Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (690)
In the vein of Tom and Jim’s Top 5, Co-Host of the Year Mike and I do our own Top 5 Countdown, and it’s our favorite “guilty pleasure” comic book movies.
The only criteria are as follows: It has to be a movie based on a comic book, and it has to have a Rotten Tomatoes score of less than 50%.
What made our lists? What movies narrowly missed our lists and were relegated to “honorable mention” status? And what did you, the listener, contribute to the show? Plus we have seamlessly interwoven some movie clips into the episode. But if you want a Top 5 done right, go listen to Tom and Jim’s Top 5. Theirs don’t go nearly as long.
And since I included Revis’ “Caught in the Rain” on the episode, here’s a little bit about that other closing credits song we talked about.
If you love fantastic music, I really encourage you to check out the debut album of Revis, available a click away on Amazon!
This episode is born out of my friend Josh urging me to see Justice League. He saw it and, in his words, “dug it.” He said I need to see it right away so we could discuss it.
But there’s a little obstacle in the path to the movies, snack bar, and the silver screen.
My wife and I have a son and little free time. I’ve been to the theater just a handful of times since he was born, and my wife even fewer times. But the genre movies don’t stop being released. So I have an idea that would be great for consumers like me – but pretty horrible for movie theaters. Two words…digital streaming.
So give the show a listen and then utilize the comments section and tell me if you agree with my idea or not. I’m looking forward to your response.
When you haven’t recorded a new episode in almost six weeks, some thoughts accumulate.
In the new episode, I talk a little bit about Stranger Things. I can only talk a little bit about it because I’ve only seen one episode. Hence, I’m “late to the party.”
I’m also late to the party because I didn’t realize that the new seasons of many comic book tv shows had started, those being The Flash, Arrow, Gotham, etc.
And I am really enjoying Seth MacFarlane’s ORVILLE on FOX. And I break down a recent episode and how it pertains to modern society. ORVILLE is a sneaky smart show that is more than 10% funnier than Star Trek.
Towards the end, I throw out some secondary and tertiary comic characters I’d like to see on the big screen. So in the comments, tell me if you agree or who you’d like to see get their big shot.
I put out the call for your questions and you came through. In this episode, I field questions about Image Comics’ Cowboy – Ninja – Viking (coming to a theater near you in 2019), Ready Player One (coming to a theater near you in March), and my overall thoughts on the DC Cinematic Universe. There’s also a question about books I would recommend that aren’t of the comic book variety, and I provide a dramatic reading of my son’s favorite book.
Be sure to check out Kickstarter for the “Project We Love,” West of Oz.
And as promised, here’s the trailer to Ready Player One.
The largest Popular Culture convention of the year, San Diego Comic Convention recently wrapped up it’s 2017 edition. Host @chadsmart is joined by a panel of Comic Con attendees to discuss how this year’s Con compared to previous years and why people spend up to 16 hours in line to see presentations they could have watched on YouTube . In addition to panels, the discussion touches on topics ranging from all the non-convention center attractions, collectibles and a run-in with Andy Serkis.
*Editor’s note…this is till my favorite moment from Hall H a few years ago. – GM
On this week’s episode, host @chadsmart is joined by Nerds United host Greg Mehochko and My 1-2-3 Cents host Kevin Hunsperger to discuss the rise of feminism in society.
The first half of the show focuses on the DC cinematic universe and whether Wonder Woman is actually a good movie or if it is given more leeway due to being the first female driven superhero movie.
Second half discussion looks at the online outrage of WWE’s recent first ever women’s Money in the Bank match.
Nerds United Episode 77: Game of Thrones, Castlevania, and Acting[ 20:54 | 28.71 MB ]Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (890)
All right kids, so here’s the new episode. It’s another road recording. And admittedly, it’s not nearly as thorough and complete as I’d like. But…it is what it is.
So earlier in the day, we received a trailer for Season 7 of HBO’s Game of Thrones. So I’m excited about that.
We also received a teaser trailer for a new project headed to Netflix later this year. And though I shared a different version on Facebook earlier in the day, well, I like this one more.
I take great issue with this, based just on the first two actors listed. But the point is this:
More blame should be levied on the director/producer than the actor portraying the role. And who are you as the author of that article to speak for everyone when calling those performances the most despised? Maybe they were more disappointing to you than other performances. But that’s more your fault based on your expectations of A abd receiving B.
But I digress. There’s more for me to get into on that subject, but that is – I think – more of a blog post when I have the time to disagree with most of the author’s points.
Nerds United Episode 76: Star Wars, Logan, FCBD, and More![ 25:39 | 35.24 MB ]Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (959)
Heeeey I’m back, recording from the road. It’s safe, I’m fairly certain.
Plenty to talk about in the 76th episode of Nerds United. I’ve been reading comics (SHOCKING, I KNOW!), so there are a few titles I’m talking about, and a reminder to you that this Saturday is Free Comic Book Day (hit that hyperlink to see what books are available this year).
Today is May the Fourth…Star Wars Day. What’s your favorite Star Wars moment? I have a few myself.
Whose names get mentioned here? Let’s see…Logan, Taskmaster, Moon Knight, Crossbones, Captain America, Daredevil, Darth Bane, Darth Vader…I mean, it goes on and on.
I also recap my day at the Cape Comic Con a couple weeks ago!
Also starting a new feature on Facebook today, and every #ThorsDay. An image of the god of thunder from a talented artist on DeviantArt. Give it a look, and all credit to lukealderson1898 for the first Thor image used for this weekly feature.
Hey, if you like the show, if you like Nerds United, please share it with your friends and fellow nerds. I would really appreciate it!
What is fandom? What effect has geek culture going mainstream had on fans who were reading comic books or into superheros before it was cool? These questions and more are discussed in the latest installment of Positive Cynicism. Host @chadsmart is joined by Eric Bennett to try and understand what motivates someone to have extreme fandom. Along the way they discuss what Marvel is doing right and DC is doing wrong to create their cinematic universe and how it reflects on the comic book source material.
Earlier today, we learned that Warner Bros./DC is moving forward with a live-action version of the Teen Titans.
Honestly, it’s a brilliant idea. It hits home for the generation that grew up with the Titans on Cartoon Network (even if they didn’t pick up a comic book). But they will also capture the audience that has brought continued success to the CW shows in the “Arrow-verse.” It gets top billing because it was the first, followed by The Flash, Supergirl (an acquisition from NBC), and Legends of Tomorrow.
Greg Berlanti, the mastermind behind the success of these network programs, will once again be at the forefront of this DC property, working with Akiva Goldsman, Geoff Johns, and Sarah Schechter.
This will also mark DC’s first venture on their new, yet-to-be-launched streaming service. So it won’t be a full week of Berlanti shows on the CW. Just, you know…four. Or whatever it is now. I guess Legends is on after Flash. I don’t know…I DVR everything and zip through commercials.
“Titans” follows a group of young soon-to-be Super Heroes recruited from every corner of the DC Universe. In this action-packed series, Dick Grayson emerges from the shadows to become the leader of a fearless band of new heroes, including Starfire, Raven and many others.
One recruit that is already established that I’d like to see pulled over to Titans is a Titan himself, Kid Flash.
Keiynan Lonsdale portrays Kid Flash on the CW’s hit show The Flash.
Now, I’m a little behind on my Flash-watching, but it just seems like Wally West/Kid Flash is sort of just there. He doesn’t have too much to do since you still have the titular character on the show. So it would work. Plus, as I mentioned above, he’s an established character and would likely draw his fans, and fans of The Flash into this new project.
Titans as a live-action production seems like the next logical step in the process of bringing these characters to a new audience. The same press release that brought the news of the Titans live action show also held an announcement that Young Justice was making its return. And with the success of the DC Animated universe titles like Justice League vs Teen Titans and Teen Titans: The Judas Contract, live action was just the next evolution. And since Titans was brought back to the dance after being neglected by TNT, it looks like it will finally be done right.
I look for more Titans news in the future. I’m guessing they already have an actor in mind to play Dick Grayson, but who do you see in that role?
I’m facing a great dilemma. I have two versions of Justice League: The New Frontier.
There’s the deluxe version of the trade paperback (it’s deluxe, so it’s the hard cover) and the bluray version. Both are still in their protective plastic. I purchased the book from Twilight Comics, my local brick and mortar in Swansea, IL. I got the bluray from Amazon (Prime…two day free shipping…BOO YAH!)
Anyway, the dilemma is this: Do I read the book first or so I watch the movie?
Here’s the reality of the situation…I love to read, but my schedule recently has not allowed the time to read as much as I’d like. BUT – I do realize that reading the story is usually better than watching it.
Watchmen the book > Watchmen the movie
The DaVinci Code book > The DaVinci Code book
The Green Mile book = The Green Mile movie
Now I say that and acknowledge that I haven’t read some of the most popular works that have been converted to the big or smaller screens, like Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, and even The Walking Dead.
I have, however, read every Percy Jackson book, and found that particularly The Lightning Thief was superior to the movie version. I’d say the same about Sea of Monsters, but I read that one over an 8-hour period non-stop during a power outage and I don’t remember as much about the book itself.
I have recently purchased the Kindle version of A Song of Ice and Fire: A Game of Thrones with all the intention of reading that, but first I want to finish reading The Man in the High Castle, which I’m also currently watching on Amazon Streaming Video. But I’ve heard that Game of Thrones is awfully wordy, and I found that to be the case in the prologue. It took a long time to read the prologue whereas it was about three minutes or so of TV time (I’m watching GoT again because it was fun to watch Bran walk and climb stuff in the first episode and a half).
So while I want to take some time and read Justice League: The New Frontier, there’s a very good chance I’ll end up watching the animated feature first.
I have wanted to watch the movie for a long time, but never took the initiative to get after it. Ever since Darwyn Cooke’s recent passing, I’ve made it my personal goal to get out there and read his award-winning story. There it sat on the shelf behind the counter at Twilight. All by itself…no other copies. We met like this several times…me looking at the book from a small distance. Then recently I finally made the purchase and added this classic to my collection.
Now the question stands…read first or watch?
I’m leaning “read.” But again, time may not allow it. So now I’ll likely watch it sometime this weekend.
But anyway – pick it up yourself. Here’s the trailer for your viewing pleasure.
I love that classic look, and Cooke’s style works hand-in-hand with Bruce Timm’s.
So I’m about to share something with you that I’ve never told anyone ever.
I’m probably not alone in this. Many of you probably hid this secret away like a certain magazine under your matress…yes, Car & Driver.
I, Greg Mehochko, used to watch (*gulp*) Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. (I just felt 12-year-old me get a wedgie that rattled the time stream.)
I didn’t watch the following Power Rangers series:
Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers
Power Rangers Zeo
Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie
I didn’t watch the MMPR movie either, now that I think about it
Power Rangers Turbo
Power Rangers in Space (isn’t that Voltron, anyway?)
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
I’m already worn out…but let’s continue the list:
Power Rangers Time Force
Power Rangers Wild Force
Power Rangers Speed Force – The Flash Crossover (KIDDING!!!)
Power Rangers Ninja Storm
Power Rangers Dino Thunder (how am I only up to 2004???)
Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers Mystic Force
Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
Power Rangers Jungle Fury
Power Rangers RPM
Power Rangers Samurai and Super Samurai
Power Rangers Megaforce
Power Rangers Dino Charge and Dino Super Charge
Power Rangers Ninja Steel (coming in 2017)
Like I said…I didn’t watch any of that. But as a youngster – I was 11 when the show debuted – I too fell victim to the colorful costumes, the horrible action, the cheap effects, and “five overbearing and over-emotional humans.” Seriously, that’s how Zordon described teenagers to Alpha 5.
But let’s talk about the hear and now. Now we’re on the cusps of a new Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie…a reboot or remake, depending on your perspective. I’m old and set in my ways, so I say that this doesn’t particularly need to happen, again, since there is an ongoing series already on TV. And unlike the DC bashers, I’ve heard no clamoring for the cinematic universe of the Power Rangers tying in to the television universe.
Look everybody, it’s the Iron Legion…plus Blue Beetle?
Now I don’t know what you think about “them” (the Hollywood them) bringing back an updated, edgier Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I like the fact that some legitimate Hollywood names have been added, like the recently-announced Bryan Cranston as Zordon and Elizabeth Banks as Rita Repulsa.
This is not the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers I remember, and as I’m learning with many things in life, I – a 34-year-old male – am not in their target demographic.
I hope this movie is good. I hope Ivan Ooze makes an appearance and looks just like Apocalypse from the beloved 1990s X-Men cartoon (Shut up! That’s funny!). I hope this franchise goes on to make a billion dollars.
But unless they introduce a Green Ranger who has a mystical dagger flute that beckons a Dragonzord, I’m not interested.
Holy hell, I just thought how much money I’d pay if that actually were to occur.
I admit as I write this that I don’t know which direction this post will take. But it’s Tuesday, and I’ll be dipped if I don’t bring you a new Tough Call post.
The problem is that even now, I don’t think this one is a tough call at all.
I did something this past weekend that I can’t remember doing in recent memory. I intentionally skipped a televised game of my favorite college football team. Now, I’ve missed games in the past. And I’ve recorded them and watched them later. And I did that as well this past Saturday.
The difference between this game and all of those previously is that it was completely my choice how I spent my Saturday afternoon. At other times, I had commitments that I had agreed to before I knew of the starting time. This time, I was asked to go golfing – with my dad. And I readily and enthusiastically agreed.
Here’s the thing. My dad isn’t old. I anticipate (as well as hope and pray) that I get another thirty or so years with him. I hope he gets to see his grandchildren for many years, and if fate is kind, his grandchildren’s children.
So why does nine holes of golf seem so important?
Long story short? I didn’t spend as much time with him as I could or should have growing up. Am I playing catch-up, or trying to make up for lost time? Probably.
I’m not going to say I was a perfect kid. I wasn’t. I was a smart ass. Some days, I was a dumb ass. And I was lazy. I would rather sit on the couch and watch movies or play video games than pretty much anything. I could have learned so much, but I was too busy doing nothing at all.
So when my dad asked if I wanted to go golfing, there was only one answer for me. Nothing beat nine holes with him, drinking a few beers, smoking a cigar, talking about the current events in sports, family, etc. It was something I never knew I was missing until I took advantage of the opportunity to be a participant. It’s not that we didn’t have anything in common, it’s that I didn’t really know how to talk to him when I was younger, a teen. He was always the authoritative figure. Having grown, I am now able to see him on more equal terms (not completely, the man is still my hero and everything I aspire to be in a father).
As the day draws closer to my being a father, well, I don’t think I have a better role model than my own dad. He let me make my own choices as far as hobbies and interests. He was my coach as well as my dad. And I got to play catch with him, shoot hoops, etc.
I don’t write any of this to brag. I know not everyone had similar experiences. Rather, I write this as a reminder to myself to be that same kind of father to my children.
I will let my child(ren) choose between Marvel and DC, between Star Wars and Star Trek. Even let them choose their own favorite Doctor. But I hope they learn from the mistakes I made as a youngster.
I hope they choose to spend some time with their old man.
So this week’s #ToughCallTuesday isn’t tough at all.
I’ll always choose family. I’ll always put my kids first. They won’t always get everything they want. But they will never be in need. And “like my father before me,” they’ll get a dad who comes home from work and says “let’s play catch” or “let’s read a book.”
This post is not to choose between Doctors Who. Rather (and probably easier), this week’s post is about Doctor Strange versus Doctor Fate.
Doctor Steven Strange, one-time renowned neurosurgeon, now the Supreme Sorcerer. He serves as Earth’s protector against threats both magical and mystical. Created in 1963 by legendary artist Steve Ditko, Doctor Strange was a member of the Avengers, the Order, the Defenders, and the Midnight Sons. He was trained in the mystical arts by the Ancient One, and harnessesing the powers of numerous artifacts, most recognizably being the Eye of Agamotto, the Cloak of Levitation, and the Book of Vishanti. Doctor Strange has been called the most powerful “humanoid” by the Marvel Universe. Literally. “Eternity,” the sentience of the Marvel Universe said so.
Strange’s powers include, but are not limited to energy projection and manipulation, matter transformation, animation of inanimate objects, teleportation, illusion-casting, mesmerism, thought projection (DEEP BREATH), astral projection, dimensional travel, time travel and mental possession.
Doctor Strange has appeared in several cartoons and video games, like the 1990’s Spider-Man and X-Men cartoons. He was in the Marvel: Ultimate Alliance video game. He had a straight to video animated movie made about him. There was a movie in 1978…
And, of course, we will see Benedict Cumberbatch star in a Marvel Studios production of Doctor Strange in November 2016. They are set to begin production next month.
Doctor Fate has been around longer. Created in 1940 by Gardner Fox, Doctor Fate would eventually join several other Fox creations in the Justice Society of America. Fox also created or co-created the Jay Garrick Flash, Hawkman, Starman, and Sandman (Wesley Dodds). Fate draws his power from the Amulet of Anubis, the Cloak of Destiny, and the Helm of Fate, naturally.
Many have claimed the name of Doctor Fate since 1940. The powers of Doctor Fate lie primarily in the Helm of Nabu, which contains the soul of the Lord of Order, bonding it to the wearer and taking over the body. The benefit of powers being relatively transitive is that as stories, times, or characters change, others can take up the mantle. Long before there was a female Thor, there was a female Doctor Fate. There have been other diverse characters to don the Helmet of Fate, including Khalid Ben-Hassin and Khalid Nassour.
Fate’s powers include spellcasting,flight,super-strength, invulnerability, telekinesis, telepathy, fire manipulation and lightning manipulation. A downside to Doctor Fate’s abilities are that he is unable to counteract a spell against him once it has been cast.
Doctor Fate has also been seen on television, in animation, and video games. He is a playable character in DC Universe Online and Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham. And he makes a cameo in Injustice: Gods Among Us. There were a few episodes of Justice League and Justice League Unlimited that required the talents of Nabu. Doctor Fate was also on the Young Justice series, as well as a two-part episode of Smallville, titled “Absolute Justice.”
There was even a glimpse at the Helmet of Fate in the pilot episode of NBC’s short-lived Constantine series.
This is certainly another Tough Call. But I think there are a few points that tilt the decision towards our winner this week, which is:
Doctor Strange is one man who was trained to protect the Earth and beyond. He was not merely bestowed with magical artifacts. He conditioned himself into a living weapon, the Supreme Sorcerer. From his home at 177A Bleecker St in Greenwich Village (the Sanctum Sanctorum), Strange continues to use his gifts to defend the world from unbelievable, if not outright impossible, evils.
Of course, maybe the greatest of the all is Doctor StrangeFate…
But that’s a story for another day.
**I apologize for the delay in not getting this published yesterday. As always, if you agree or disagree, sound off in the comments. And if there’s a tough call you want me to tackle, let me know in the comments as well.
Cullen Bunn – Photo taken straight from his Twitter.
Say hello to Cullen Bunn, writer extraordinaire. His career – his resume – is filled with titles from both Marvel and DC as well as creator-owned. Magneto, Sinestro, Deadpool – and a slew of successful creator-owned entities like The Sixth Gun, Harrow County, and the new series Hellbreak (Issue #2 available today). In this episode, we listen to the Hellbreak Panel from the Tenth Annual Cape Comic Con that was held April 17-19 in Cape Girardeau, MO. The panel is hosted by Steve Higgins with a few questions coming from the audience. Lots of insight into the differences between writing for one of the “big two” and writing your own characters. And you learn how busy a top writer can be. So kick back, relax, and check out Hellbreak #1 and #2 at your local comic book shop. A great time to do that would be on Free Comic Book Day!
Meet Jay Peteranetz, a lifelong comic book reader (mostly Marvel) and artist who has helped take comics to an unprecedented medium – playing cards.
Welcome to Magicians Must Die:
Jay grew up reading a ton of Marvel, including X-Men and the Cosmic Marvel books, including Guardians of the Galaxy. So naturally we talk about the marvel Cinematic Universe and OMG DID YOU SEE ADAM WARLOCK?
There is a lot covered in this episode, and I’m pumped for future conversations with Jay, who will be appearing at the Denver Comic Con in May. So go check him out there.
ALSO – if we get Jay to 250 Twitter followers in the next two weeks, he’ll hook me up with all four issues (sets) of MMD, autographed, and ready to giveaway on the show. He wins, we win. GET IT?!?
Iron Man reverse photoshopped (that’s a thing) to better resemble the average American. But would it matter in a metal suit? I submit that it would not.
As promised, a THIRD episode in February. I’ll get back to guests next month, but right now, I’m discussing/rambling about the link I shared recently. I actually have a great appreciation for the reasoning behind that post, but hey, they’re fictional characters. And believe me, I’m not out to look like Superman. I’ll just be happy not looking like the Blob.
Marvel’s Agent Carter wrapped up its mid-season run and, dare I say, I want more of it and less of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
And want to save Constantine so we get a second season? I want you to. Join me.
I also discuss Gotham and the Flash and how though they are similar, they are very different.
More episodes to come in March, and we’re less than two months away from the 10th Annual Cape Con.
Episode 12 and I sit down with another longtime friend of mine, artist Joe Dodd. Joe has worked for Marvel and DC before making a change and focusing more on toys. Catch Joe’s story and find out how you can help him and his family achieve their dreams.
As promised, here’s the link for Joe, Sam, and Odin’s GoFundMe. HERE
Also, Cape Con is a month away (March 21-23) in Cape Girardeau, MO. And I’ll be there on Saturday and Sunday talking with Con goers, vendors, and featured guests (including – but not limited to – Jim Cornette).
The castle Joe made in high school art class.
Joe’s work from Marvel Age Hulk on the left. Odin’s original finger and foot and probably butt painting on the right.
We made it to double digits and I sought your input for Episode 10. I opened up the old request lines (that’s the former radio host in me) and took your suggestions on Facebook for superheroes and villains (both Marvel and DC) for either announced movies or future concepts. What actors and actresses did I think should suit up on the big screen? Listen in and head back to Facebook to comment.