Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! Surprisingly this is not Greg typing this. It is I, your co-host of the year. You are welcome everyone. Greg said I had to type something out and make it at least 150 words. I said, “No problem my main man Gregorino,” or something to that effect. I guess I should actually talk about the podcast now since Greg is watching what I type…well we talked about Thanksgiving episodes, Stan Lee’s unfortunate passing, high school stuff, Secret Wars, Super Secret Wars (I don’t think that is the actual name of the comic but it works.) Oooh, I should make a comic called Super Duper Secret Wars. How many words is this? This is harder than I thought. Pretty sure Greg will not let me do this again. Ok, 129 words so far. I need 150. By the way, does anyone read this really? And if so, are you single and female? Just throwing it out there.