Royal weekend
It’s been a great weekend in the world of professional wrestling and Chad was there front and center. He attended several events over the weekend in Philly, including the Royal Rumble, Chikara’s show, House of Hardcore and a Legends event featuring the Four Horsemen.

In this week’s episode, Kevin and Chad break down the 2018 Royal Rumble and discuss all the happenings in Philadelphia over the weekend.
I’m also a sponsored athlete (stop laughing) for COLLARxELBOW brand. Shop online and use the promo code MY123CENTS and you’ll save 10%.
Social media shoutouts!
@StrideWrestling (Twitter)
@strideprowrestling (Instagram)
@COLLARxELBOW (Twitter & Instagram)
@kevinhunsperger (Twitter)
@kevin_hunsperger (Instagram)
@my123cents (Twitter & Instagram)
@HarnessDM (Twitter & Instagram)
@itomharness (Twitter & Instagram)
@CCWrestling573 (Twitter & Instagram)
@chadsmart (Twitter)
@jittery_monkey (Twitter)
@NerdsUnitedShow (Twitter)
@Craftbeericans (Twitter & Instagram)
@The25th_Hour (Twitter)
@Skullbusterpod (Twitter)