This week on the show, Greg and Mike wax nostalgia and talk about olden times, bring back a long-lost segment of the show, and talk about some of the various news and notes making the rounds this week.
And if you make it to the end, the guys run down some of the offerings on the Disney+ streaming app.
I put my son to bed and knocked out a home show before calling it a night. In Episode 70, I start off talking highly about Ghostbusters: Answer the Call.
In fact, I have a lot of positives about many movies that are otherwise crapped upon.
The unfinished product and the comparison everyone drew rather quickly. Admit it…you did it too.
And I bring back the debate of Batman v Superman and Captain America Civil War. Not saying one is better than the other, but rather how there is an overlooked similarity and how one gets a pass. (Hint: “He killed my mom.”)
It’s a good time to be a nerd with some great movies coming out and plenty to watch on TV (I didn’t even address The Walking Dead…dammit). My question to you is this: Are you currently reading any comics? If so, sound off in the comments here or on Facebook. I’d love to know what you’re reading and what you think about it. I’ll even read the comments on the next episode (if I remember).
Thanks for checking out the show and I’d really appreciate if you told your nerdy friends about it. Let’s get this thing growing again!
So I’m about to share something with you that I’ve never told anyone ever.
I’m probably not alone in this. Many of you probably hid this secret away like a certain magazine under your matress…yes, Car & Driver.
I, Greg Mehochko, used to watch (*gulp*) Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. (I just felt 12-year-old me get a wedgie that rattled the time stream.)
I didn’t watch the following Power Rangers series:
Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers
Power Rangers Zeo
Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie
I didn’t watch the MMPR movie either, now that I think about it
Power Rangers Turbo
Power Rangers in Space (isn’t that Voltron, anyway?)
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
I’m already worn out…but let’s continue the list:
Power Rangers Time Force
Power Rangers Wild Force
Power Rangers Speed Force – The Flash Crossover (KIDDING!!!)
Power Rangers Ninja Storm
Power Rangers Dino Thunder (how am I only up to 2004???)
Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers Mystic Force
Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
Power Rangers Jungle Fury
Power Rangers RPM
Power Rangers Samurai and Super Samurai
Power Rangers Megaforce
Power Rangers Dino Charge and Dino Super Charge
Power Rangers Ninja Steel (coming in 2017)
Like I said…I didn’t watch any of that. But as a youngster – I was 11 when the show debuted – I too fell victim to the colorful costumes, the horrible action, the cheap effects, and “five overbearing and over-emotional humans.” Seriously, that’s how Zordon described teenagers to Alpha 5.
But let’s talk about the hear and now. Now we’re on the cusps of a new Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie…a reboot or remake, depending on your perspective. I’m old and set in my ways, so I say that this doesn’t particularly need to happen, again, since there is an ongoing series already on TV. And unlike the DC bashers, I’ve heard no clamoring for the cinematic universe of the Power Rangers tying in to the television universe.
Look everybody, it’s the Iron Legion…plus Blue Beetle?
Now I don’t know what you think about “them” (the Hollywood them) bringing back an updated, edgier Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I like the fact that some legitimate Hollywood names have been added, like the recently-announced Bryan Cranston as Zordon and Elizabeth Banks as Rita Repulsa.
This is not the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers I remember, and as I’m learning with many things in life, I – a 34-year-old male – am not in their target demographic.
I hope this movie is good. I hope Ivan Ooze makes an appearance and looks just like Apocalypse from the beloved 1990s X-Men cartoon (Shut up! That’s funny!). I hope this franchise goes on to make a billion dollars.
But unless they introduce a Green Ranger who has a mystical dagger flute that beckons a Dragonzord, I’m not interested.
Holy hell, I just thought how much money I’d pay if that actually were to occur.
Nerds United Episode 60 - Can't Think of a Deadpool-Worthy Title[ 24:46 | 0.01 MB ]Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (869)
Well it finally arrived – one of the most anticipated movies in recent memory (somewhere between Captain America Civil War and Star Wars the Force Awakens…you think I’m kidding. I’m not kidding).
This idiotic/brilliant billboard is why I’m all in on the DEADPOOL movie. I’m an easy lay.
I caught a Thursday evening showing and as you’ll hear in the show, the movie does not disappoint. The hard R rating is well-earned for several reasons. this is not a movie to take your kids to. Kung Fu Panda 3 is also in theaters. Take them there.
Deadpool is crass, vulgar, violent, and sexual. So obviously, it is banned in China and beloved everywhere else.
This movie is certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes. Betty White gives it four Golden Girls.
To quote some Kevin Smith writing, “If the buzz is any indicator, that movie’s gonna make some huge bank.”
This movie is better than a gigantic stack of pancakes.
And that’s saying a lot…because I love pancakes.
Thanks for tuning in. Thanks to my anonymous friend for being a part of the show. Thanks preemptively for sharing it with your friends.
And if you subscribe and review it on iTunes, I’ll love you long time.
Marvel’s Ant-Man opening night. My friend Mike (go back to Episode 9 for a refresher) and I went to check out Marvel Studio’s latest big screen adventure featuring its smallest hero. And then we decided to talk about it afterwards. That conversation was going so great, I halted it mid-thought and said “let’s record this for the podcast.”
Did we think Ant-Man was deserving of at least one Thumbs Up?
So here we are, talking about Ant-Man and more nerdy topics at 11pm on a Friday night while I’m driving through Southern Illinois. Tons of laughs and just a great conversation with a longtime friend about nerdy stuff.
“In what world could Batman defeat Superman?” In Frank Miller’s world.
This week’s return is an in-house deal with three voices of the Jittery Monkey Podcast Network as I sit down with Toby Gullion and Craig Holmes (of The Good, The Bad, The Podcast) and we discuss, among other things:
Guardians of the Galaxy
Batman – Year One
The Dark Knight Returns
Batman v Superman
The Avengers
…pretty much any of the recent big screen comic adaptations.
We also check in with fresh reviews of GotG both from me and my wife as well as our friends Rick and Clairesse after we took in the show last weekend.
It’s an hour-long show but I think it seemed to pass by a little faster than that. So make sure your seat back and tray tables are in their upright and locked position as we prepare for takeoff. Thank you, as always, for choosing Nerds United for your air travel needs. We’ll be around shortly with beverages and tiny packages of pretzels.