It’s a truck show as Greg and Mike are on the road to see Kevin Smith and Ralph Garman in St Louis, MO. We talk about our excitement for the show as well as Batwoman, Venom, and traffic.
I’d type more, but it’s 2-damn-24.
It’s a truck show as Greg and Mike are on the road to see Kevin Smith and Ralph Garman in St Louis, MO. We talk about our excitement for the show as well as Batwoman, Venom, and traffic.
I’d type more, but it’s 2-damn-24.
Back to basics! This type of episode was the very beginning of Nerds United, where I would sit down with a comic book creator and hear their tale, their “origin story,” where I learned how they became interested in comics and how the early interest turned into a lifelong passion and eventually them creating comics themselves.
This week I’m joined by David Gorden, a creator I had the good fortune to meet somewhat accidentally earlier this summer. Hear the story of our initial meeting and hear how David became interested in comic books. In this episode, you’ll learn as I did how personal loss shaped his career, and how sometimes we go back home to get back on track.
David put out a graphic novel earlier this year called “Kwame Hightower and the Man with No Name.” It tells the story of 12-year-old Kwame, a boy from North St. Louis, who pulls Excalibur from the Sacred Stone, thus becoming King of England, and opens Kwame’s life to new adventures and possibilities the likes of which he never even thought about. Pick up your copy of the book on Amazon using the handy link right below, or listen to the end of the episode to hear how you can win an autographed copy of the book yourself.
Find David on social media on all of these convenient locations:
While we’re at it, check out the show on social media:
Hey everyone and thank you for taking the time to click the link, open the description in your podcast app, or however you came across reading these words.
As many of you know, for this episode, I was really wanting to have Kevin Smith as my guest. But that ended up not happening. I’ll try him again at a different time. I know he has plenty of irons in various fires.
So for this episode, I’m just getting you caught up on some of what I have been and will be reading. I’ve told my people at Twilight Comics (in Swansea, IL) that I’m going to convert from single issues to trade paperbacks, and to start ordering accordingly for me. The staff there is always thinking of new ways to get people in the doors, and Tuesday night’s “wedding celebration” of Batman and Catwoman was no different. I wasn’t there, but my son had some leftover cake on Wednesday.
So here’s a short list of some books I recommend: Superman/Batman: Finest Worlds, Kwame Hightower and the Man With No Name, and for kicks, anytime you see a Hellboy TPB on your store’s shelves, just buy it and read it.
That’s all for now. You’re great. I thank you for 5+ years of support and listenership and I promise that Episode 200 will be before 2023.
On this week’s episode, host @chadsmart is joined by Nerds United host Greg Mehochko and My 1-2-3 Cents host Kevin Hunsperger to discuss the rise of feminism in society.
The first half of the show focuses on the DC cinematic universe and whether Wonder Woman is actually a good movie or if it is given more leeway due to being the first female driven superhero movie.
Second half discussion looks at the online outrage of WWE’s recent first ever women’s Money in the Bank match.
So I’m going to preface all of the following with this statement, sure to be controversial:
My mom’s better than your mom.
Today is her birthday. So I’m going to dedicate this post to her.
My folks, probably mom in particular, didn’t receive the recognition they deserved for all of the stuff they did, not until years later anyway.
I remember being young (4-5) when mom worked nights, and my older sister was in school. I remember the lunches with the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and the “s’more” from the microwave. I remember sitting on the family room floor with her as we played He-Man.
As I got older, I remember being a more integral part of the Christmas cookie production process, and even getting to help ice the beloved cut-outs. I remember being in second grade and on a school field trip to St. Louis’s The Magic House and telling the entire bus, “Hey everybody, today is my mom’s _____ birthday!” In my defense, I was 7. I didn’t know that you aren’t supposed to announce women’s ages.
I know that now.
Over the years, I gave my mom her fair share of headaches. You know that line “I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it?” I heard that a lot…that and “you want to live to see your next birthday?” And it wasn’t because I was some demonic kid…I just did a lot of little things (or didn’t do the little things I was told to do) that caused unnecessary tension in our relationship. I was a typical teenager. But even before that, I remember being 9 or 10 and mom asking me “what happened to my sweet little boy?” *GUT SHOT*
As I got older, I found new ways to irritate my mom. I got a tattoo up in Sturgis, SD and came home and showed the family. Mom was not amused. Then she found the one on my back that I sometimes forget about and was none-too-pleased. I was in my 20’s for those particular shenanigans.
I remember vividly mom finding my stash of beer in the trunk of my car and storming into the house with it. I was 19. She was pissed. My dad’s response was “of all the beers, why Natty Light?” (I was in college, dad. I was working two jobs and it was cheap.)
But through it all, mom has always been one of my biggest supporters, and always wanted what was best for me. I’m very fortunate in that regard. I know I’m blessed in ways many people are not, and for too long I took it for granted.
So happy birthday, Mom. Sorry for all the times I made you worry about me. I hope you have had a wonderful day and, even though you won’t read this, likely, unless someone emails you the link, just know that I love ya.
Disclaimer – the tattoo in the featured image is not mine. That’s a Google Image Search.
The annual Cape Comic Con was held this past weekend in Cape Girardeau, MO. Two of the featured guests were WWE Hall of Famers Terry Funk and “Cowboy” Bob Orton.
These two legends held a Q&A discussion, taking questions from the audience. Favorite matches, Cowboy Bob Orton’s Wrestlemania I experience, their favorite ribs, the evolution of the business, and sharing their love of the industry with their family.
Then they took pictures with the fans in the panel before returning to their booth. They held another meet & greet before the Wrestling at the Arena later Saturday evening.
Don’t forget to follow @my123cents on Twitter and Facebook. Like the Facebook page, read the blog and subscribe on YouTube as new things are happening there. Also show our friends some love on social media:
@jitterymunkey (yes it’s spelled with a u) on Twitter
@NerdsUnitedShow on Twitter@craftbeericans on Twitter and Instagram
After eighteen months, I can officially say that I have seen Four Color Eulogy, and it is good!
Here’s the same poster next to another comic book movie with which you may be familiar:
This touching independent film features a cast and crew from St. Louis, MO and was shot in the Gateway City. So in Episode 64, I welcome Jason Contini back to the Nerd Dome.
Jason co-wrote Four Color Eulogy and served as a co-producer. Sit back and enjoy the show as Greg tries not to cry while talking about Four Color Eulogy. The movie had a red carpet premier at Ronnie’s 20 Cine in St. Louis Friday night and was sold out! In fact, they sold out the smaller auditorium and then sold out the larger auditorium.
Four Color Eulogy is playing at least through Thursday (Apr. 14) at Ronnie’s on S. Lindbergh in St. Louis. Two shows a day (2pm and 7:30) with at least one cast/crew member on hand to visit with fans and viewers and answer any questions.
I cannot stress enough how much I encourage anyone to go out and watch this movie. As I stated to Jason, this is a movie that hits you in the feels and one you can (and will want to) watch over and over.
To everyone who worked on this film, from cast and crew to art contributors to local publishers like Stache Publishing who provided comic books for the comic book store scenes, to everyone who had a hand in this project no matter how finite, you have my utmost gratitude.
Happy New Year!
I’m here at the hospital in St Louis (I explain in the episode) so I wanted to get you a new show.
I’m talking about heroes…the fictional kind as well as the unsuspecting heroes in real life. They’re in your neighborhood, maybe at your place of business or worship. They may be complete strangers. But they live incredibly noble lives.
Oh, and I mention the fact that I’m reading “The Man in the High Castle,” so here is a trailer of the show, available now on Amazon Prime.
Once more, wishing you a Happy New Year.
Thank you for the ongoing support, and remember you can win FREE STUFF just by sending a “Comics for Beginners” question to nerdsunitedpodcast@gmail.com
One of the individuals I had the good fortune to meet at the Cape Comic Con was fan, creator, publisher, educator Steve Higgins.
Steve and I had a lot to chat about, like incorporating comic books into the classroom. We also get into Ink & Drink Comics, a publishing company based in St. Louis. They like to theme their anthologies after drinking terms. For example:
Steve also started the Tumblr – Kitties with Pottymouths. Yes – it is exactly what it sounds like:
Enjoy the show. And if you do, tell your friends. That’s how we help get the word out. You tell a friend, they tell a friend. Etc. Thank you!
Check out “On the House,” a collection of stories from Ink & Drink Comics
that cover several genres. Available on Amazon: