Meet Jay Peteranetz, a lifelong comic book reader (mostly Marvel) and artist who has helped take comics to an unprecedented medium – playing cards.
Welcome to Magicians Must Die:
Jay grew up reading a ton of Marvel, including X-Men and the Cosmic Marvel books, including Guardians of the Galaxy. So naturally we talk about the marvel Cinematic Universe and OMG DID YOU SEE ADAM WARLOCK?
There is a lot covered in this episode, and I’m pumped for future conversations with Jay, who will be appearing at the Denver Comic Con in May. So go check him out there.
ALSO – if we get Jay to 250 Twitter followers in the next two weeks, he’ll hook me up with all four issues (sets) of MMD, autographed, and ready to giveaway on the show. He wins, we win. GET IT?!?
Merry Christmas and Welcome to the 2nd Annual Very Special Christmas Special.
This year I’m bringing back a guest from an earlier episode and giving her HER OWN SHOW! Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for Alice Harvey, pastry chef and artist with the Stache Publishing Crew.
Alice and I talk a little Stache business, but also cinematic and television adaptations of comic book properties. We also talk baking and Christmas memories.
Alice has a sure-fire recipe for all of your holiday gatherings:
Nutella Braid
Here is the recipe:
1/2 tsp. Active dry yeast
1c warm water (not hot)
2 1/2 c all purpose flour
1 tsp salt
1 Tbsp sugar
1/2 c nutella
1 egg beaten with a Tbsp water to brush over braid before baking
-dissolve yeast in 1/4c water and let sit for ten minutes to activate.
– combine flour, salt, sugar in bowl of a mixer. – when the yeast is bloomed (it will be bubbly) add to flour mixture with remaining water.
– mix on medium speed with the paddle attachment until a dough is formed.
-switch to a dough hook and let mix for another 5 minutes until the dough has formed a supple ball.
-Place in a lightly oiled bowl. Cover with plastic and let rest for a half hour.
– remove from bowl and roll the dough into a large circle.
– spread nutella over it.
– roll like a cinnamon roll.
– cut the roll down the middle to form two long strips.
-twist them together into a spiral (they will fan out a bit and start to look like a braid.)
-place the twist into a baking sheet and brush with the egg wash.
-bake at 350 degree until golden brown.
“In what world could Batman defeat Superman?” In Frank Miller’s world.
This week’s return is an in-house deal with three voices of the Jittery Monkey Podcast Network as I sit down with Toby Gullion and Craig Holmes (of The Good, The Bad, The Podcast) and we discuss, among other things:
Guardians of the Galaxy
Batman – Year One
The Dark Knight Returns
Batman v Superman
The Avengers
…pretty much any of the recent big screen comic adaptations.
We also check in with fresh reviews of GotG both from me and my wife as well as our friends Rick and Clairesse after we took in the show last weekend.
It’s an hour-long show but I think it seemed to pass by a little faster than that. So make sure your seat back and tray tables are in their upright and locked position as we prepare for takeoff. Thank you, as always, for choosing Nerds United for your air travel needs. We’ll be around shortly with beverages and tiny packages of pretzels.