Nerds United Episode 115: Friday Night Thoughts on Aquaman and Marvel[ 1:43:53 | 0.01 MB ]Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1006)
Hey there! Happy Friday night/Saturday morning. Greg and Mike got together and spent a little time on Facebook as well as some audio-only content. We cover Aquaman and the DC Cinematic Universe, as well as the DC CW crossover event this past week titled Elseworlds.
Also, since we last got together, Marvel released trailers for Captain Marvel and Avengers: Endgame.
Plus we have a special treat from Greg’s early terrestrial radio days, and lots of love for Tom and Jim’s Top 5.
Don’t forget to get your shirts and merch from the shop! Your support is greatly appreciated, and if you did order a shirt, share your merch on social media so we can give you props!
Nerds United Episode 101: San Diego Comic Con and More[ 2:01:45 | 0.01 MB ]Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (879)
Hey everyone! It’s the weekend of the 2018 San Diego Comic Con, and what better way to spend it than with two guys who aren’t at Comic Con and have never been to Comic Con?
TWO GUYS! Mike, aka Co-Host Of The Year, is back talking about our enthusiasm about Comic Con, but also our hesitations. I mean, 100,000 people can’t be wrong. But that doesn’t mean we want to be asses and elbows with them. Oh, this is also the time where we should remind you to listen to this past week’s episode of Positive Cynicism with Chad Smart and Eric Bennett, as they have both been to SDCC (Eric a ridiculous 13 or 14 times), and much of our conversation is an offshoot of their chat.
We also work to get Anheuser Busch as an official sponsor of the podcast, but after we shit on Bud Light last time, that seems unlikely. WORK YOUR MAGIC, KYLE!
Guess who’s coming to St. Louis in October.
We are!
But…Kevin Smith and Ralph Garman will also be in town for a recording of their wildly entertaining podcast Hollywood Babble-On. And we’re going to the show!
We also talk about Greg’s radio days, because Mike’s mom thinks Greg sounds like he should be in radio. Spoiler alert…it ends on a down beat.
Follow Mike on Twitter. He has eleven followers currently and that makes me sad. You can find him here and all the other social media accounts of importance!
I not-so-briefly describe/review Justice League: Throne of Atlantis. You remember JL: Throne of Atlantis, right? RIGHT?!?
I have to believe that the film took its cues and plot from the New 52 Aquaman story, which is on my to-read list.
Gotham, Arrow, the Flash, and Constantine get some mentions in this episode. Also – and I know I’ve said it before but I’m saying it again – Matt Ryan IS John Constantine and if WB/DC ever makes a Justice League Dark movie, he better play Constantine or WE RIOT!
Also, how about a pre-emptive plug for next week’s guest, Ross Cavins, who will be on the show to discuss Barry VS The Apocalypse, on Kickstarter!