Tag Archives: film

My 1-2-3 Cents Episode 339: Movie Mania

It’s almost May 19th, and we’re watching WWE Films’ See No Evil to celebrate. The WWE Hall of Famer Kane stars in this horror flick from 2006, which spawned a sequel several years later. This week, Chad Smart of the PCPN (Positive Cynicism Podcasting Network) joins me to discuss the film and provide a little background info on the crew.

I’d love to know what you think about this show. Please leave a review and send me a screenshot of it! Check out My 1-2-3 Cents on social media: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (@my123cents). Also, head over to the My 1-2-3 Cents Facebook group. You can also subscribe to the My 1-2-3 Cents blog and YouTube channel. And follow the Jittery Monkey Facebook page for updates too. Thanks!

Remember, check out the Pro Wrestling Tees store. Proceeds from the sales of Stride Pro Wrestling shirts go to support the company. And shop COLLARxELBOW with promo code MY123CENTS. Right now, you can save at least 10 percent on items.

Don’t forget to leave a review. I’d love to hear YOUR 1-2-3 Cents about My 1-2-3 Cents.

My 1-2-3 Cents Episode 322: Movie Mania

Something new is starting here on the My 1-2-3 Cents Podcast; Movie Mania! If you’re a fan of WWE Films or movies featuring wrestling, this will be the show for you.

Chad Smart from the Positive Cynicism Podcasting Network and Out of Touchstone Podcast will join me each month to review a film from the wrestling genre.

While we’re at it, we’d like to invite you to join the newly created My 1-2-3 Cents Facebook Group. This will be a fun and interactive place to chat with other fans, offer input, and win prizes (from time to time).

I’d love to know what you think about this show. Please leave a review and send me a screenshot of it! Please follow My 1-2-3 Cents on social media: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (@my123cents). You can also subscribe to the My 1-2-3 Cents blog and YouTube channel. And follow the Jittery Monkey Facebook page for updates too. Thanks!

Remember, check out the Pro Wrestling Tees store. Proceeds from every Stride Pro Wrestling shirt sold go to support Stride during COVID-19. And shop COLLARxELBOW with promo code MY123CENTS. Right now, you can save at least 10 percent on items.

Don’t forget to leave a review. I’d love to hear YOUR 1-2-3 Cents about My 1-2-3 Cents.

Greg and Chad’s Power Half Hour Episode 19: What I Want To Be When I Grow Up

Most kids have big dreams of what they want to do for a career.  On this installment of the Power Half Hour, Greg and Chad share their childhood aspirations.  What impact did films have on their decision? Did they follow their dreams or change course as they got older?


Positive Cynicism EP. 87: Overrated Movies

Last month @chadsmart and Eric Bennett discussed some of their favorite films they feel are underappreciated. This month, they do a 180 degree flip and go for movies they feel are overrated. What constitutes the criteria for a film to be overrated? Are there beloved classics Chad and Eric don’t feel are worthy of the praise? Do they think Oscar winning films are unnecessarily beloved? Listen to their discussion to find out what movies they list and let them know if you agree or disagree.

Warning, if you are a cinefile (or were in college in the late ’90s early 2000’s), you will most likely be upset with our discussion.



Yippie Ki Yay Mister Falcon. In this installment of “Culture Popped*” @chadsmart and guest host Eric Bennett exmine some movies that are non-traditional Christmas offerings. What is  Shane Black’s obsession with the holiday season? Would you want  Steve Martin on the other end of the phone if you were calling a suicide prevention hotline? Is an old Chinese store the best place to buy a pet? And most importantly, why are people throwing away a perfectly good white boy? Most of these questions aren’t answered but the movies that inspire them are discussed.

The biggest shocker of the episode are the discovery of what holiday “classics” Eric and Chad have not seen. The second biggest shock is how they managed to get through the show without a reference to Ernest Saves Christmas.

Check out all the shows on jitterymonkey.com and pick up the latest swag. Promote the shows you enjoy listening to on a weekly basis.

*temporary working title

Positive Cynicism EP 50: Comic Con 2018 Preview

@chadsmart is joined by new monthly co-host Eric Bennett to discuss the hype surrounding this year’s annual San Diego Comic-Con. With the largest gathering of pop culture fans preparing to descend on San Diego for five days, Chad and Eric breakdown who, or what, will be showcased with panels and displays. The bigger factor though is who won’t be soaking up the sun this year. With no major Disney, meaning no Marvel and no Star Wars presence will this year’s Con be a let down for fans who bought tickets months in advance. Or does this open the door for other properties to step and create their own hype?

How does this year’s exclusives stack up to year’s past? What about offsite experiences? Lastly, is San Diego Comic-Con too crowded? Eric offers his thoughts on all these topics.

Whether your a Comic-Con newbie or seasoned attendee, there’s plenty of information in this episode to either get you excited or make you dread long lines and close quarters.

Nerds United Episode 67: Michael Valentine of “Comix”

Where can you find Stan Lee, Frank Miller, Neal Adams, Mark Waid, and Marc Silvestri in one place?

Comix: Beyond the Comic Book Pages is a twelve-year “labor of love” of Michael Valentine. Valentine relocated to sunny southern California with thoughts of being a musician, but instead started on a journey that would lead him to conversations with some of the comic book industry’s Who’s Who.

Valentine with the Incredible Hulk, Lou Ferrigno

In Episode 67, hear stories that surround the overall narrative of the film. Anecdotes from the likes of Stan Lee, Neal Adams, Frank Miller, and more.

Once again,w e’re out to promote the screening of Comix: Beyond the Comic Book Pages in Queens, NY. If you’re in the New York area, you have a chance to take in this awesome event. It’s not just the movie. Organizer Hansi Oppenheimer (see Episode 65) is planning an event complete with free comics from Top Cow, cosplay, and more.

And be looking for the DVD release this Summer, which we talk about. Complete with the dvd? Among other things, an original comic book!

comix 2

Check out Comix in Queens. But make sure you go to Tugg.com and get your ticket reserved by May 1. That’s the cut-off date to secure the screening.

Nerds United Episode 64: Four Color Triumph

After eighteen months, I can officially say that I have seen Four Color Eulogy, and it is good!

four color poster
Actual movie poster advertising Four Color Eulogy.

Here’s the same poster next to another comic book movie with which you may be familiar:

movie posters

This touching independent film features a cast and crew from St. Louis, MO and was shot in the Gateway City. So in Episode 64, I welcome Jason Contini back to the Nerd Dome.

movie still
Contini shown with co-star Amy Loui, who plays Chris’ mother.

Jason co-wrote Four Color Eulogy and served as a co-producer. Sit back and enjoy the show as Greg tries not to cry while talking about Four Color Eulogy. The movie had a red carpet premier at Ronnie’s 20 Cine in St. Louis Friday night and was sold out! In fact, they sold out the smaller auditorium and then sold out the larger auditorium.

Four Color Eulogy is playing at least through Thursday (Apr. 14) at Ronnie’s on S. Lindbergh in St. Louis. Two shows a day (2pm and 7:30) with at least one cast/crew member on hand to visit with fans and viewers and answer any questions.

I cannot stress enough how much I encourage anyone to go out and watch this movie. As I stated to Jason, this is a movie that hits you in the feels and one you can (and will want to) watch over and over.

To everyone who worked on this film, from cast and crew to art contributors to local publishers like Stache Publishing who provided comic books for the comic book store scenes, to everyone who had a hand in this project no matter how finite, you have my utmost gratitude.


Nerds United Episode 38

lego matt

Meet my longtime friend Matt. He also has a background in radio and took those talents to not one but TWO shows on the Jittery Monkey Podcast Network: GAMER and PoppedCulture.

But Matt is a busy man…a student working on his mass communications degree with a minor in creative writing. So I won’t go into much detail here, as Matt can tell his own story. But check out his Vimeo and Tumblr for some of his creativity.

Here’s his latest short film, as mentioned in the episode:

“Scrutiny” Short Film from Matthew Horst on Vimeo.

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Just a small sampling of what Matt has been reading.