Tag Archives: nfl

My 1-2-3 Cents Episode 482: What If Taylor Dated A Wrestler?

Taylor Swift has been big business for the NFL, but what if Taylor dated a WWE, AEW, or TNA star instead of Travis Kelce? How would the companies have handled it? Would Swifties flock to the WWE Universe? Chad Smart (who has attended four Taylor Swift concerts) joins me for the discussion.

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Positive Cynicism EP. 109: The NFL’s Broken Moral Compass

With the 100th NFL season starting @chadsmart and Eric Bennett take time before kick off to discuss the way troubled players are rewarded with big money contracts. Using Antonio Brown’s cross country transition from Oakland to New England as a starting point, they debate what players would have to do for management and fans to say enough is enough.


A new month brings a new co-host to the Positive Cynicism family. @chadsmart is joined by Travis Yates (@PopCultIQ) for a new monthly series. What the series will cover is still being determined.  The first installment does have a focus.

Chad gets to show off his lack of sports knowledge as he tries to discuss the current state of the NFL. Thankfully Travis has enough knowledge to spread around. Topics include surprises through the first three weeks of the season, Colin Kaepernick, and Travis’ new devotion to the Miami Dolphins.




Five Heart Podcast Episode 68: Ben Miles, Baseball, and Bear Wrestling

Husker fans this week were on the receiving end of some sad, but expected news, as fullback Ben Miles announced he was leaving the program and seeking to continue his educational and football career elsewhere.

I say “expected” because the offensive system Scott Frost is implementing doesn’t really call for a fullback. So Hoss tells us some places that Miles could wind up that utilize the fullback in the way he is accustomed.

We quickly touch on Husker baseball (WHERE ARE YOU, KEITH?) and Husker softball. And then for fun, which NFL players would be able to successfully wrestle a bear?

It’s the dead zone of Husker football. So we’re going to mix it up some in the next few months and put some of our fellow Corn Nation folks on the show to learn more about them. And we’ll sprinkle in some football movie fun as well.

If you like the show, please share it with your friends on social media. Help us get the word out. If you REALLY like the show, leave us a nice rate/review on iTunes. That’d be quite nice of you.

Speaking of, we’re on PodBeanApple PodcastsGoogle Play, and Stitcher. Subscribe and the shows will show up on your device with little or no user intervention.

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Corn Nation’s Five Heart Podcast Episode 50: Tanner Lee, O-Line, and NFL Playoffs

Well, Husker fans got some news Thursday that may or may not have been expected.

Of course, that’s no longer news to you. But it did mean fodder for the conversation on this week’s episode of the Five Heart Podcast. What are Tanner’s chances of being drafted, and where does that leave the Huskers’ depth chart with Patrick O’Brien and Tristan Gebbia in Lincoln and now Adrian Martinez headed to the Great Cornhusker State.

Also, what can former Husker player and new Offensive Line Coach Greg Austin do to rebuild the much-maligned offensive line, and how will he utilize the players at his disposal to put the best group together?

There’s also some NFL talk as the League approaches the playoffs. And Greg goes on an anti-Patriots diatribe that should make most fans happy (assuming you aren’t a Patriots fan…but how can you be a Patriots fan and also have a soul?).

And at the end, just before signing off…HUSKER WRESTLING MAKES AN APPEARANCE! Is it worth it to stick around for that blurb? Maybe not. But hey…it’s wrestling.

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Corn Nation’s Five Heart Podcast Episode 23

Well, after taking a week off so the Bri-Guy could recover after National Signing Day, the Five Heart Podcast is back!

On the docket this week is a recap of Brian’s signing day schedule, also known as “NO SLEEP TIL LINCOLN!” Actually, that would be a really good recruiting motto for the future.

Open scholarships after signing day mean a lot of things…dedicated walk-ons earn a scholly, or you look outside the program and see which graduate transfers you can lure to Nebraska.

The 2017 NFL Draft is approaching, and we have a list of Huskers that may or may not be chosen on Draft Weekend. There’s some dissension in the ranks, so if you agree disagree, or think we left someone out, be sure to leave a comment!

Finally…Nebrasketball. Damn it all.

Now on to the plugs!

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Greg Mehochko 

Corn Nation’s Five Heart Podcast Episode 18

After last week’s well-received Very Special Christmas Special, this week’s episode sees the return of Brian after a successful trip back to Lincoln. We talk about menu items for Christmas and New Years (whose toes Brian would lick to avoid eating black eyed peas).

Greg fired a few quick hypothetical situations at Brian. His responses are the things of legend.

And hey, there’s a bowl game today. Nebraska and Tennessee from Nashville, TN and the Music City Bowl (that reminds me…I need to set the DVR).

Also, there’s a lengthy discussion about what we ate over the Christmas weekend.

All the plugs for when you don’t make it to midnight on New Year’s Eve!

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Greg Mehochko

Featured Image: Senior QB Ryker Fyfe runs in the open field during Nebraska’s 28-7 win over Maryland on Nov. 19. Credit: David McGee – Corn Nation

My 1-2-3 Cents Episode 63: A Conversation with Carriker



Adam Carriker played in the NFL for eight years.  He was the Rams Rookie of the Year and named Strongest Redskin.  He’s also a big time wrestling fan, husband and father.

Kevin and Adam talk about his time as a Nebraska Cornhusker as well as his NFL career.  Adam also shares some thoughts on WWE and talks about his relationship with the company.  He gives his pick for the upcoming FastLane pay per view.

Be sure to listen all the way through to get the question for the My 1-2-3 Cents Road to Wrestlemania contest.  The prizes include a 3 month subscription to Wrestle Crate, a Sting prize pack and a $25 gift card to WWE Shop.  Send your answer via private message on our Facebook page.

Read the blog, subscribe to the YouTube channel and follow on Instagram and Twitter (@my123cents).  You can also read Kevin’s stories (and articles from others) on Breaking Wrestling News.

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#ToughCallTuesday 7 – Back to the Sequels

I had to make a choice.

I mean, that’s the entire point of this series of blogs. It’s named a “tough call” for a reason.

Last night, the new Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens trailer debuted on Monday Night Football and the Internet reacted in fine fashion. Here’s the trailer in case you missed it (so I could say you were possibly entertained by at least one thing on this post):

So that happened. And tomorrow is the day that Marty McFly visits “the future” from 1985.


Now I know what you’re thinking. “There have been 816 days in the last decade where Marty McFly was “supposed to arrive.” You saw them on social media going back to the MySpace days. But I assure you – tomorrow is the day:

So that brings me to this week’s debate: Which is better, Back to the Future II or Back to the Future III?

Back to the Future II has:

  • A presented time period, in fact the ONLY time period, we were able to experience. Let’s face it, unless someone has a working temporal displacement device, no one here is going back to the Old West.
  • Alternate timelines – and let’s face it, we all love a good dystopian future. Mad Max: Fury Road, The Hunger Games, Idiocracy (which, sadly, we’re already closer to that future than we are to the 2015 presented to us in BTTF2).
  • Lea Thompson’s ginormous additions!

Seriously! If you look close enough, you can see a heart pendent.
Seriously! If you look close enough, you can see a heart pendent.

  • Hoverboards. I don’t care if they don’t work over water. I thought they were the coolest part of that movie when I was a kid watching it for the first time.
  • More classic cars from the 1950s. Think about it, In BTTF2, Marty travels from 1985 to 2015 to alternate timeline 1985 back to 1955. And the climactic scene with Marty and Biff, the convertible, the hoverboard, and the sports almanac – well that’s just some great storytelling.
  • A basic understanding of time travel.

“Great Scott! Jennifer could conceivably encounter her future self! The consequences of that could be disastrous! The encounter could create a time paradox, the results of which could cause a chain reaction that would unravel the very fabric of the space time continuum, and destroy the entire universe! Granted, that’s a worse case scenario. The destruction might in fact be very localized, limited to merely our own galaxy.”

Here are the offerings of Back to the Future III:

  • Clint Eastwood. Well…sort of. Remember that was the alias Marty gave to Buford “Mad Dog” Tannen when he was asked.
  • Clint Ea-…Marty had to wrangle (no pun intended) some Western duds in a time period where, how do I put this gently…they didn’t give a crap about historical accuracy.

It just doesn't pass the sniff test.
It just doesn’t pass the sniff test.

  • No George McFly incarnation. I mean – where was Crispin Glover? Why was Michael J Fox his own ancestor?
  • Lorraine’s gigantic knockers – What can I say? They are both fascinating and hauntingly inaccurate. That is…unless the goal was to make them not at all resemble actual breasts. Lea Thompson is a far underrated actress in my opinion. She’s a doll. I enjoy her work in just about everything I have seen. And if you’re a fan, I encourage you to listen to her conversation with Chris Hardwick on the Nerdist Podcast.
  • The time machine locomotive – that beautiful piece of wonder looked like it was taken right out of a novel by Jules Verne. And oddly enough, that was the name Doc Brown and Clara chose for their two sons.
  • The final resolution – Back to the Future III was the finale of a tremendous trilogy that didn’t need to be a trilogy. If Back to the Future ends with Marty and Jennifer going out to the lake as planned, and now with the Doc racing in at the last minute and whisking them away to the future, it’s still a wonderful movie that is likely treasured for the ages. But it didn’t, he did, and we got two more movies of time-jumping and everything else that I’ve stated above. And that’s fine. But when the train comes through and obliterates the DeLorean, that’s it. No more time travel. Well, I mean, aside from the aforementioned locomotive. But that’s too bulky for every day use. The future is set right based on the destruction of the DeLorean and Marty not giving in to Needles’ challenge.

Both of these movies have their pros and their cons. For example, Back to the Future III relied on the same (yet still hilarious) gag about Biff/Buford being driven into a wagon of manure. Still hilarious. But it is also low hanging fruit.

Meanwhile, Back to the Future II had the Chicago Cubs win the World Series. And as a St. Louis Cardinals fan, that is very difficult to ignore. It is magnified by the fact that the Cubs eliminated my beloved Cardinals from post-season play last week. However, the movie was written, filmed, and released before Major League Baseball altered the playoff structure to include the Division League Series. So while the movie Cubs win the World Series on October 20, 2015, the real life Cubs trail the New York Mets 2-0 heading into tonight’s Game 3. And I think it’s just unfair to give Cubs fans false hope like that.

Also, where are the auto-fitting jackets and auto-securing shoes? It’s true that Nike was working on the shoes, but they aren’t produced or priced to be available to mass audiences…just yet.

The verdict – as it were:

I’m going with Back to the Future II. Despite the Cubs prediction and Jaws 19, there is just a ton of story packed into this movie. And its ending is so incredible. Marty sees a floating DeLorean with Doc Brown struck by lightning. The DeLorean vanishes. A minute later, a Western Union representative delivers a letter. And, well…good times occur.

“He’s in the Old West, but he’s ALIVE!”

Plus, it gets a moment in a Family Guy parody.

Now where’s my affordable hoverboard, dammit?

As always, if there’s a topic you want me to discuss in a future feature, let me know in the comments.