Cape Championship Wrestling has been entertaining wrestling fans in southeast Missouri, southern Illinois and western Kentucky for nearly a year. CCW will have a big presence at this year’s Cape Con event. On Friday, April 21 it’s ladies night as CCW teams up with Madman Pondo for Girl Fight. It’s the first ever Luna Vachon Memorial Tournament.
Then on Saturday, April 22 it’s the CCW Super Show. You’ll see all the stars of CCW including champion Brandon Barbwire, tag champs Farmer Billy Hills & Dell Tucker and Austin Lane. Plus guests scheduled to appear include Colt Cabana, Joey Ryan and Jeff Cobb. The company’s COO Jason Wells explains more in today’s podcast.
Stride Pro Wrestling is working on a big show in May. It includes a TLC match for the Stride Pro Wrestling championship as Heath Hatton defends against Roger Matheus. And former WWE Superstar (Brodus Clay) Tyrus will also be on hand.
It’s a great time for indy wrestling. Come out and support the men and women of the mat. Thanks!
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