Where can you find Stan Lee, Frank Miller, Neal Adams, Mark Waid, and Marc Silvestri in one place?
Comix: Beyond the Comic Book Pages is a twelve-year “labor of love” of Michael Valentine. Valentine relocated to sunny southern California with thoughts of being a musician, but instead started on a journey that would lead him to conversations with some of the comic book industry’s Who’s Who.

In Episode 67, hear stories that surround the overall narrative of the film. Anecdotes from the likes of Stan Lee, Neal Adams, Frank Miller, and more.
Once again,w e’re out to promote the screening of Comix: Beyond the Comic Book Pages in Queens, NY. If you’re in the New York area, you have a chance to take in this awesome event. It’s not just the movie. Organizer Hansi Oppenheimer (see Episode 65) is planning an event complete with free comics from Top Cow, cosplay, and more.
And be looking for the DVD release this Summer, which we talk about. Complete with the dvd? Among other things, an original comic book!
Check out Comix in Queens. But make sure you go to Tugg.com and get your ticket reserved by May 1. That’s the cut-off date to secure the screening.