Tag Archives: positivity

My 1-2-3 Cents Episode 290: Let’s Be Positive

Full disclosure for this week’s show. I had two different guests lined up but unfortunately, things fell through at the last minute with each.  So that means I had to call an audible and do something I had planned for later in the month while I’m on vacation.

Almost one year ago, I made a career change and left the world of broadcast news after 22 years. I’ve already done a show with some clips of wrestling interviews I conducted as a news anchor. Today, in an effort to spread some positivity, I’m sharing the Cameo videos my friends sent me after I made the career change.

Instead of hearing me talk about a random topic for 30 or more minutes, I decided to go this route. It’s an ego boost for me for sure. But it’s also positive content to insert into a world that right now is filled with hate and negativity.

I’d love to know what you think about this show. Please follow My 1-2-3 Cents on social media: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (@my123cents). You can also subscribe to the My 1-2-3 Cents blog and YouTube channel. And follow the Jittery Monkey Facebook page for updates too. Thanks!

Check out the Pro Wrestling Tees store too. And shop COLLARxELBOW with promo code MY123CENTS. Right now you can save at least 10 percent on items.

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Positive Cynicism 41: Positive Updates

Positive Cynicism 42: Positive Updates.

A big summer is brewing in the Jittery Monkey Podcasting Network studios. Positive Cynicism has a lot planned for the next 4 months. Host @chadsmart runs down the plans for the summer with Question Everything, Wonder Why and the as of now untitled History and Evolution of Summer Blockbusters. If you have a title suggestion for the Summer Blockbuster series, send your suggestions either on Twitter or on the Positive Cynicism Facebook page.

In addition to the updates to the show, Chad gives an update on the training for the half-marathon he plans to run in October. If you’d like to make a donation to help Chad reach his goal of $1000 to St. Jude’s Children Hospital you can make a donation Here.

Jittery Monkey Podcasting Network

@thehooch36 – @NerdsUnitedShow  @5heartpodcast

@kevinhunsperger – @my123cents

“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.” – Douglas Adams

Positive Cynicism 40: Pledge of Positivity

Positive Cynicism 41: Pledge of Positivity.  After a weekend filled with non-stop negative news, from the White House Correspondents Dinner to Kanye West to a Las Vegas Golden Knights double overtime playoff loss, @chadsmart has decided enough is enough. He is taking a pledge of positivity as he vows to focus more on the good things in life.  Part of focusing on the positives means eliminating negative influences. Hear how he plans to accomplish these goals in the latest installment of Positive Cynicism.

Be sure to check out the other shows on the Jittery Monkey Podcasting Network.



“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”

— Willie Nelson