After two years and nine months, the weekly Positive Cynicism podcasts are coming to an end on the Jittery Monkey Podcast Network. After a year and a half of having rotating co-hosts, the decision to move the shows to the Positive Cynicism Podcast Network has been made in an attempt to better brand the shows.
Thanks to Greg Mehochko for the opportunity and encouragement to start Positive Cynicism. Thanks to Kevin Hunsperger for letting me guest on numerous episodes of My123Cents. This is by no means a bitter split, it’s just the next evolution in the podcast landscape.
Greg and I are in talks for a new podcast for Jittery Monkey. Stay tuned for future announcements. For future installments of the Positive Cynicism shows, follow @chadsmart on twitter and stay tuned to
As Hurricane Dorian had Florida in its sights, @TheTravisYates was busy prepping his house to withstand the storm and trying to keep his family safe. Since he was unavailable to co-host his regular monthly episode of Positive Cynicism, @chadsmart recruited @my123cents host and one half of the newly crowned Stride Pro Wrestling tag team champions, @kevinhunsperger to take Travis’ spot.
Due to the sudden change in co-hosts, there was no topic in place so it was decided to do another random episode where topics were submitted from friends and then drawn from a pile of post-it notes. What are the topics? Where would the conversation go? Would any of it make sense? Listen to the show and find out.
If you’ve been following along here on the podcast, you know I’m involved in a company called Stride Pro Wrestling. For more than two years I’ve been the ring announcer for the company. However, over the weekend I stepped into the ring.
I was part of the main event inside a steel cage against Roger Matheus. He is known as the Mad Viking. I really can’t tell you how honored I am to be a part of Stride and that there was enough confidence and faith in me and Roger to be the main event of the show.
Matheus vs. Hunsperger, Courtesy: Tom Harness
Roger kicked my ass literally and figuratively. My buddy Tom Harness made the save, at least momentarily. Then he got whipped. But in the end, Cash Borden showed up. Listen to the podcast and hear how it all went down. Thanks, everyone.
What a weekend. It all started off Friday afternoon with a trip to Cape Girardeau, Missouri to interview Lou Ferrigno (you know, The Incredible Hulk). My buddy Tom Harness and I did that interview for our new show Another Round with Tom & Kevin. Lou was in town for the 13th annual Cape Comic Con.
Lou was a great guest and took time to talk with us before and after the interview. We appreciate his time and organizer, Ken Murphy, hooking us up. From there we stopped by the Broadway Biergarten for a 420 beer by Lagunitas. (It was 4/20 after all.)
Saturday we returned to Cape for the actual Comic-Con event and followed it up with Cape Championship Wrestling‘s Super Show II. Tom and I review the weekend on the way back to southern Illinois Saturday night. Check it out and also go watch that interview with Lou Ferrigno. Here’s the link. Thanks to everyone for the support.
I’m also a sponsored athlete (stop laughing) for COLLARxELBOW brand. Shop online and use the promo code MY123CENTS and you’ll save 10%.
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Many of you know not only do I like pro wrestling, but I’m learning the ropes about craft beer. My buddies and I have a YouTube channel called Craftbeericans where we review various brews. This week, my worlds collide with a review of Top Rope IPA by Tallgrass Brewing Company in Manhattan, Kansas.
But please stay tuned to the Craftbeericans channel for a WWF Superstars review of Top Rope IPA. It’ll be up later this week and funny (I hope).
Also in this week’s show a look at what’s making news in the world of professional wrestling, including a look at some of my favorite local independent wrestling companies, including Stride Pro Wrestling, Warrior’s Code Wrestling and Cape Championship Wrestling. Please visit these companies and help make indy wrestling thrive here in southern Illinois and southeast Missouri.
As always thanks for the support. Check out the blogs on the My 1-2-3 Cents website. Also follow @my123cents on Twitter & Instagram and @kevinhunsperger on Twitter and @kevin_hunsperger on Instagram.