Hellfire & brimstone it’s Kane!
It’s hard to believe, but the character Kane has officially been around for 20 years. The Big Red Machine debuted on October 5, 1997. Ironically (or maybe not) Chad and I were in attendance that night at the Kiel Center in St. Louis. We wouldn’t meet for another six and a half years though.

So for this week’s episode, we are sharing our ‘6 Cents’ on the career of Kane and our top six memories of the former WWE Champion. We also share some of our listeners’ thoughts of Kane, including the photo to your left of a little guy named Rollins. His dad, Barry Kafara with Cape Championship Wrestling, shared it with us and talked about Kane’s longevity as a character.
It’s hard to argue Kane is one of the all-time great characters (or gimmicks) in wrestling. Few Superstars have the staying power Kane did. Undertaker, Goldust and Triple H may be the only ones, at least off the top of my head.
On a different note, Stride Pro Wrestling returns to the Illinois Star Centre Mall on Saturday, Oct. 14. Come in a Halloween costume and celebrate with us. Bell time is 6:30 p.m. The Stride Championship is up for grabs in a best two-out-of-three falls match between Roger Matheus and Jay Spade.
CollarXElbow Partnership
Don’t forget, I’m also now a part of COLLARxELBOW. You can shop online and use the promo code MY123CENTS to save on t-shirts when you shop. The company has added some new shirts in recent weeks. It’s a great way to support indy wrestling and My 1-2-3 Cents. Thanks as always for your support.
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