If you are a huge Disney fan, or have children who love the wildly popular animated hit Frozen, you may be aware that a new ride/attraction opened up today at Epcot Center in Orlando.
Frozen Ever After opened in Epcot Center. Now it was a soft opening, and the ride did experience a few setbacks, which resulted in the ride being shut down briefly a couple of times (I’m getting all of this from the Internet just like most of you). So that might have been cause for the delay. But still, the wait time for Frozen Ever After was five hours.
Just for fun, here is a list of a few things I can do in five hours that don’t include standing in the hot Florida weather:
- Drive to Chicago, Nashville, Indianapolis, Louisville, Kansas City (and have time left over)
- Get caught up on the growing stack of Green Lantern comics
- Three Hour Tour of the SS Minnow
- An extra-innings Major League Baseball game
- Eighteen holes of golf with my dad (found that out on Sunday)
- Watch one and a half of the Hobbit movies
- Almost make it through all of Avatar
I’m sure there are more. But to quote an all-too-overused Internet meme, when it comes to standing in line five hours to ride a single ride:

Now, perusing Facebook comments (which…I mean, comment sections in general are pretty horrible. Mine here is a relatively barren wasteland, save for a few), many people are very upset that a movie-themed ride was in Epcot Center to begin with – thinking the royal Arendelle sisters are better suited for the Magic Kingdom. After all, I remember going to Epcot as a kid. It was educational. WHAT WERE WE EVEN DOING THERE?!?
Others are mad that the new ride, set in the Norway Pavilion of the Epcot Center World Showcase, replaces the beloved (??) ride Maelstrom – A High Seas Norwegian Adventure. Maelstrom opened in 1988 and had some dated technology. Frozen Ever After, as you would guess, features the latest in Disney Imagineering.
Was Disney well within their rights to change the ride? Absolutely. Was a Frozen-themed ride a good choice? It was the logical one. And since I don’t fully understand the concept of a FastPass, would you ever see me waiting in line for five hours to ride this ride?
Let me tell you – I’ve cut dates before the five hour mark even when I thought there’d be a ride at the end. I have no problem skipping this one.
Besides, I’ve essentially been on the ride. And if you click to play this video, you can say you were in the same boat (that’s punny, because it’s a water ride).
It all boils down to this: Would you wait five hours (or 300 minutes, for the Disney Theme Park Goer who doesn’t like math) to ride this or any other ride? Sound off in the comments or on Facebook/Twitter.