Tag Archives: theater

Greg and Chad’s Power Half Hour Episode 30: 1986 vs. 1994

“I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve.” – The Writer at the end of Stand By Me.

It’s an unscientific fact that twelve years old is the greatest year in a person’s life. That’s why personalities are developed and every pop culture occurrence impacts you in a more meaningful way. With that in mind, on this episode of the Power Half Hour, Greg and Chad compare the box office offerings from the year they turned 12 to see who had the better celluloid collection. For Chad, the year was 1986. A year sandwiched between his personal two favorite years of cinema. Does 1986 hold up as well?

For Greg, the year was 1994. A landmark year itself in the world of pop culture. How would the theatrical output inspire Greg throughout his life? He explains that and a lot more in the quick thirty minute discussion.

“The world changes, we do not, there lies the irony that finally kills us.” – Armand. Interview With a Vampire

Positive Cynicism EP. 87: Overrated Movies

Last month @chadsmart and Eric Bennett discussed some of their favorite films they feel are underappreciated. This month, they do a 180 degree flip and go for movies they feel are overrated. What constitutes the criteria for a film to be overrated? Are there beloved classics Chad and Eric don’t feel are worthy of the praise? Do they think Oscar winning films are unnecessarily beloved? Listen to their discussion to find out what movies they list and let them know if you agree or disagree.

Warning, if you are a cinefile (or were in college in the late ’90s early 2000’s), you will most likely be upset with our discussion.



As the summer movie season winds down, @chadsmart is joined by Eric Bennett. Before the topic of the month, Eric gives a recap of San Diego Comic Con 2018 and fan reaction to Chris Hardwick missing Comic-Con as well as the news of James Gunn’s firing from Guardians of the Galaxy 3 which broke during the 5 day pop culture convention.

Once the recap is over, the focus switches gears to examine Hollywood’s fascination with sequels and franchise movies. Trying to figure out how the box office has gone from two sequels in the yearly Top Ten for 1980 to nine sequels/remakes/reboots in the Top Ten for 2018 so far, Chad and Eric attempt to break down the shift in focus from making a wide variety of movies to movies that appeal to the largest audience.  Along the way, Chad does make a mistake when talking about the movie Cedar Rapids. The movie stars John C. Reilly not John McGinley.

What is your opinion? Do you think there are too many sequels? Do you enjoy the franchise series?

