All In & Starrcast
All In & Starrcast weekend is a wrap. Longtime My 1-2-3 Cents supporter Jeff Holtke was there with his buddy Brenden O’Neill spent the weekend in Chicago. Jeff served as a special correspondent on the My 1-2-3 Cents Twitter page over the weekend, providing pics and recaps of the sights and sounds.
I had a chance to catch up with the two on the phone after All In and before they headed back for the final day of Starrcast. They met lots of legends and current wrestlers. You’ll hear more about their experience and their thoughts the show.
Reminder: Stride Pro Wrestling has a show coming up this Saturday, Sept. 8 as part of Carterville Free Fair. The show is at the Carterville Community Center. Bell time is 6:30 p.m.
Get your hands on a My 1-2-3 Cents T-shirt. I’ve signed on with Pro Wrestling Tees. The first is on sale now. Look for more designs soon. Shop here (and thank you to those who have already purchased.)
Social Media Shoutouts!
@Holtke4987 (Twitter)
@BigDealONeill25 (Twitter)
@StrideWrestling (Twitter)
@strideprowrestling (Instagram)
@COLLARxELBOW (Twitter & Instagram)
@kevinhunsperger (Twitter)
@kevin_hunsperger (Instagram)
@my123cents (Twitter & Instagram)
@HarnessDM (Twitter & Instagram)
@itomharness (Twitter & Instagram)
@CCWrestling573 (Twitter & Instagram)
@chadsmart (Twitter)
@jittery_monkey (Twitter)
@thehooch36 (Greg Mehochko’s Twitter)
@NerdsUnitedShow (Twitter)
@5heartpodcast (Twitter)
@Craftbeericans (Twitter & Instagram)
@Skullbusterpod (Twitter)