Ugly Christmas Suit Guys
In 2014 my buddy Tom Harness from Harness Digital Marketing started a one-man fundraising campaign. He put on an ugly Christmas suit made by Shinesty and Opposuits. Through the years the project has grown and for 2017, Tom has asked me to join the effort.
You can make a donation here and help the group Children’s Home + Aid. It’s a group that works with adoptive families in southern Illinois. They provide year-round support to those families. Right now they serve about 150 families and get no assistance from the state of Illinois. So we want to make a big difference in their lives.
Tom is a digital marketing guru. He shares tips for wrestlers to build a brand. Tom is also an old school wrestling fan. He recalls guys like Junkyard Dog, Jake “The Snake” Roberts and Jimmy Hart. But I’ve recently reintroduced Tom to wrestling and he’s attended a few Stride Pro Wrestling and Cape Championship Wrestling shows.
Check out these social media pages
@HarnessDM (Twitter & Instagram)
@itomharness (Twitter & Instagram)
@StrideWrestling (Twitter)
@strideprowrestling (Instagram)
@COLLARxELBOW (Twitter & Instagram)
@kevinhunsperger (Twitter)
@kevin_hunsperger (Instagram)
@my123cents (Twitter & Instagram)
@CCWrestling573 (Twitter & Instagram)
@chadsmart (Twitter)
@jittery_monkey (Twitter)
@NerdsUnitedShow (Twitter)
@Craftbeericans (Twitter & Instagram)
@The25th_Hour (Twitter)
@Skullbusterpod (Twitter)