POSITIVE CYNICISM EP. 58: QUESTION EVERYTHING; TOM HARNESS[ 32:43 | 0.01 MB ]Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (570)
Social media is a tricky minefield to navigate. This edition of Question Everything, @chadsmart has the founder of Harness Digital Marketing, @iTomHarness on to discuss the reasons for why an online presence is important as well as how to brand yourself successfully. In addition to social media, the discussion also touches on Tom’s latest endeavor with a friend to start the Southern Illinois Film Commission in an attempt to bring more film production to the region known for it’s scenic beauty.
My 1-2-3 Cents Episode 42: Oh Snap! A PPV Periscope Preview[ 35:03 | 0.01 MB ]Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (728)
In Episode 42 Kevin is trying something different. The show is completely generated by your questions via Periscope, Twitter and SnapChat. The talk revolves around Kurt Angle and his future and the upcoming Night of Champions event. Thanks for listening and sharing.