Well friends, we’re breaking protocol slightly. As you know, I pushed forward and posted Episode 18 (the Free Comic Book Day interviews) a week early. I did this because I had another show in mind that I felt was a bit time sensitive, as one or two (depending on where you live) movies are still in theaters with another due to drop next week.
That show I had in mind…is this show you’re about to start.
In the show, I give a brief review of “Son of Batman.” Here’s the trailer:
I also give my thoughts (humble as they might be) on Captain America: The Winter Soldier (the movie, not the book, which I have, but have not yet read),
also The Amazing Spider-Man 2,
AND X-Men: Days of Future Past.
Of course, can’t have a comic book movie adaptation discussion this week without addressing one of the more BA images to be released in recent memory: Zack Snyder’s released image of Bat-Fleck! And you already know I like the casting. Visually, I find it stunning.

Lots of things to discuss from adaptations to the small screen, as I give some thoughts on Arrow, MARVEL: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Constantine, Gotham, izombie, and more.
Then into the books we go. I read this one and LOVED IT!

And I am expanding my reading, venturing more into MARVEL territory. Thanks to smaller characters like Iron Fist and this guy:
As always, thanks for coming back and listening. Thanks for telling your friends. Thanks for helping me get the word out there.