This past weekend was the annual Cape Comic Con in Cape Girardeau, MO. I once again made my yearly trek to my once-upon-a-time town to visit friends and walk the floor of the Con, seeing familiar faces, supporting vendors, and doing all with my wife and son.
This episode is broken up into three sections. The first segment has me joined once again by Cape Con Director Ken Murphy, as we talked about the Con weekend, special guests Lou Ferrigno and Reb Brown, several artists and writers, as well as numerous vendors. We also talk about the wrestling aspect of the comic con weekend, which included global stars like Tommy Dreamer, Hangman Page, the Besties in the World, Thunder Rosa, Dan “The Beast” Severn, and “Cowboy” James Storm joining Cape Championship Wrestling favorites like Austin Lane, Brandon Barbwire, Farmer Billy Hills, Sarah Summers, the Pinnacle, the Crowleys, and many more. It was a night of blood, sweat, tears, betrayal, revenge, and triumph.
The conversation continues with Jay Noel, a St. Louis author who has written two trilogies and whose newest novel, “Gateway Mothman,” is available now on Amazon. Check out his series that begins with “Dragonfly Warrior,” a steam punk Japanese setting in an alternate history.
And finally, I talk with Scott Reed from, an online retailer who not only attends Cape Con, but also hosts his own Con in Harrisburg, IL. In a few minutes, we learn a little bit about Scott, the collection he shares with the public and the one he keeps just for himself. And we find out about the 2018 Burg Comic Con.
The 2018 Cape Con is in the books. And I am already eager for 2019. Mark YOUR calendars for the 4th weekend in April, 2019. And I’ll see you at the Cape Comic Con.