Ask My 1-2-3 Cents
This week’s episode is a #AskMy123Cents. I took to social media (late of course) and got a few questions, including who on the current WWE roster I would book against Hulk Hogan in his prime. By the title of this show, you’ve figured out it’s Braun Strowman.
I enjoy the interaction with other fans to make this show possible. Thanks to everyone who interacts on the various forms of social media. You can always reach out here or on any of the usual platforms.
Also, I’ve got a store on Pro Wrestling Tees. The monkey shirt is the only one currently available, but new designs are coming soon. Thanks to those who have already bought a shirt. Click here to shop.
Social Media Shoutouts!
@StrideWrestling (Twitter)
@strideprowrestling (Instagram)
@COLLARxELBOW (Twitter & Instagram)
@kevinhunsperger (Twitter)
@kevin_hunsperger (Instagram)
@my123cents (Twitter & Instagram)
@HarnessDM (Twitter & Instagram)
@itomharness (Twitter & Instagram)
@CCWrestling573 (Twitter & Instagram)
@chadsmart (Twitter)
@jittery_monkey (Twitter)
@thehooch36 (Greg Mehochko’s Twitter)
@NerdsUnitedShow (Twitter)
@5heartpodcast (Twitter)
@Craftbeericans (Twitter & Instagram)
@Skullbusterpod (Twitter)
@Holtke4987 (Twitter)
@BigDealONeill25 (Twitter)