Don’t Call Me Fake
‘Dr. D’ David Schultz may be one of the most controversial figures in professional wrestling. For those who don’t remember, in 1984 he was involved in an incident with ABC News reporter John Stossel. He shares the story on this week’s podcast and of course, has more details in his new book Don’t Call Me Fake: The Real Story of ‘Dr. D’ David Schultz. You can get a copy here:
Schultz is headed to SICW on Saturday, May 19 in East Carondelet, Illinois. Promoter Herb Simmons joins us on the podcast to talk more about the event, which features the Bruiser Brody Memorial Battle Royal and celebrates the 59th anniversary of Wrestling at the Chase.
I’m also a sponsored athlete (stop laughing) for COLLARxELBOW brand. Shop online and use the promo code MY123CENTS and you’ll save 10%.
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