Now…don’t let the title deceive you. We aren’t hosting a movie marathon tonight. We’re simply discussing the slew of movies that were watched in the last week or two. Admittedly, some of them were watched prior to last week’s show but were forgotten when the show began.
Movies that released in the last week to movies thirty years old…
And while we’re at it, how about discussion on some movies that are in the works?
Also on the docket – The Acolyte will not be receiving a second season, per Disney/Lucasfilm. That doesn’t surprise most of us, but as you can imagine, there’s already an effort put forth to “Save the Acolyte.”
Lastly tonight we’re talking pizza. Because it’s Friday and that’s the most popular day for pizza in the United States. In fact, Greg’s family ordered pizza tonight! We’ll be building our own pizzas with a random assortment of ingredients.