At least that’s what it feels like. Two not-so-old guys sitting in their booth drinking coffee, talking about the weather and then current happenings with our favorite team.
That is probably a conversation that happens all across the Great Cornhusker State on a weekly basis with farmers and ranchers, bankers and hobos alike. But we have microphones, so they can suck it!
In this week’s episode, we talk a little bit about UCF’s Peach Bowl win over Auburn, and now that makes them the best team in the country, since Auburn beat Alabama and Georgia (transitive property, y’all). Scott Frost is bringing his entire undefeated staff to Lincoln. We talk about some of that coaching staff, like the recent addition of Barrett Ruud.
And there’s a mention of another “Rude,” Ravishing Rick, and the time he wore tights with a woman’s (Jake ‘the Snake’ Roberts’ wife) face on them. INSTANT HEAT!
And the weekly wrestling report that didn’t involve ring ropes, but rather, names like Taylor Venz.
In other words…I need a flannel shirt, a Carhart coat, and a John Deere hat and “my booth” at the diner.
I can’t wait to retire!