Well, it finally happened. For the first time since Captain America: Civil War, I made it to the movie theater. Plans were set in motion a couple months ago for my friend RJ and I to take in an opening-weekend viewing of Rogue One. And despite less-than-ideal weather conditions, we made it happen at The Edge in Belleville, IL.
Leather seats that recline. They even bring the food and beverages out to you. It was amazing (the word of the day).
So here is a little chat we had from the cab of my truck. That’s right – it’s another truck episode! But that’s just because everyone was asleep at the house when we got back and I didn’t want to disturb anyone. BECAUSE I’M CONSIDERATE!!!
And as always, this is a spoiler-free podcast without any click-bait titles.
It’s a wonder anyone ever listens to these at all. But if you do, and if you enjoy it, please tell your friends.
Gracias, mi amigos!