Hello again! It’s been far too long since Brian and I got together to talk some Husker athletics. But hey, it’s the day before the first football game of 2017, so this is as good a time as ever to get the proverbial band back together and present you with…INFORMATION YOU PROBABLY ALREADY KNEW BUT ARE LISTENING TO AGAIN ANYWAY IN VERBAL FORM BECAUSE YOU CAN’T GET ENOUGH HUSKER CONTENT!
Not much peripheral chat this time, as we just try to get today’s episode recorded in a timely manner. But while we were recording, Ohio State took a commanding lead against Indiana and went on to win big.
Greg has a new job, which also hinders his ability to stay up late to record, which is another reason why we haven’t done this in three months.
And now here are those dadgum captains we mentioned but failed to go into detail about.
And now the links you missed in our absence:
The Five Heart Podcast Twitter The Five Heart Podcast Facebook Page The Corn Nation Twitter The Corn Nation Facebook Page The Jittery Monkey Facebook Page The Jittery Monkey Twitter Brian Towle
Feature Photo: Tanner Lee sets to pass in the 2017 Spring Game at Memorial Stadium. Photo Credit: David McGee/Corn Nation