It’s a completely different format for our First Annual Very Special Christmas Special. Also – there’s no Brian, as he’s with family, leaving Greg all by himself.
“Let’s share the load.” And so – the Christmas Wish for Nebraska Athletics was born.
Emails were sent, text messages too. And even a message to a former Husker for his Chronicled contribution (that’s right…I initiated that)!
So we rounded up the willing participants, and they recorded their Christmas Wishes that they’d like to see come true for the betterment of Nebraska Athletics (no mention of turning down the speakers at Memorial Stadium).
It’s an episode without Brian, and we’re all a little poorer for it. But we will push on, because it’s what he would want us to do.
Merry Christmas! And GO BIG RED!
All the plugs under your tree!
Pick up your Corn Nation Ugly Christmas Sweater t-shirt right here!