Tag Archives: nathan fillion

Nerds United Episode 34

Episode 34 is finally here – only two weeks late.

I not-so-briefly describe/review Justice League: Throne of Atlantis. You remember JL: Throne of Atlantis, right? RIGHT?!?

I have to believe that the film took its cues and plot from the New 52 Aquaman story, which is on my to-read list.



Gotham, Arrow, the Flash, and Constantine get some mentions in this episode. Also – and I know I’ve said it before but I’m saying it again – Matt Ryan IS John Constantine and if WB/DC ever makes a Justice League Dark movie, he better play Constantine or WE RIOT!

matt ryan


Also, how about a pre-emptive plug for next week’s guest, Ross Cavins, who will be on the show to discuss Barry VS The Apocalypse, on Kickstarter!