Well the only thing not shut down beside’s Greg’s “essential” job is this podcast (and the other great podcasts on the Jittery Monkey Podcast Network).
But there is a change. Mike is calling in on this episode, not in Studio B. And it’s really weird.
This episode features talk about what is going on in the world right now, ya know, the Big C.
But there’s also talk about Fantomah – The Blazing Skull Mystery Woman of the Jungle Who Was There Before Wonder Woman. Also, rumors about Wonder Woman 84 being sent straight to VOD were debunked (Greg missed the memo), Rosario Dawson IS Ahsoka Tano in The Mandalorian, 2,000 American’s favorite superheroes and super villains, and Bloodshot will be available digitally this week. So buy it. You’ll thank me.
And we thank you for tuning in and being awesome. Because where would we be without you? I’ll tell you where…sitting right here bringing you a new episode, just with one fewer listener. And we can’t have that. So tell your friends. And wash your hands.