Nerds United 375: SDCC Coverage, Side Dishes, & a Little Bit of Deadpool [ 0.01 MB ] Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (121)
This week on Nerds United, Greg and Mike reconvene after a week off and there’s quite a bit to get caught up on.
With the San Diego Comic Con going on, we were treated to several trailers for upcoming projects. We’ll discuss some of what has come out of SDCC so far.
Also – with Greg on vacation last week, it’s time to get caught up on The Acolyte, The Boys, and other shows or movies we watched in the time off. Furthermore, maybe there are a few extra things that got watched in the interim.
And that brings us to the big man in red…Deadpool. Deadpool and Wolverine hit theaters this week to what has to have been a rock solid start to the box office.
And as long as there’s time, we’ll look at some yummy side dishes.
As always…be kind.