Last month @chadsmart and Eric Bennett discussed some of their favorite films they feel are underappreciated. This month, they do a 180 degree flip and go for movies they feel are overrated. What constitutes the criteria for a film to be overrated? Are there beloved classics Chad and Eric don’t feel are worthy of the praise? Do they think Oscar winning films are unnecessarily beloved? Listen to their discussion to find out what movies they list and let them know if you agree or disagree.
Warning, if you are a cinefile (or were in college in the late ’90s early 2000’s), you will most likely be upset with our discussion.
Positive Cynicism EP. 70: Non-Traditional Christmas Movies[ 55:56 | 76.81 MB ]Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (781)
Yippie Ki Yay Mister Falcon. In this installment of “Culture Popped*” @chadsmart and guest host Eric Bennett exmine some movies that are non-traditional Christmas offerings. What is Shane Black’s obsession with the holiday season? Would you want Steve Martin on the other end of the phone if you were calling a suicide prevention hotline? Is an old Chinese store the best place to buy a pet? And most importantly, why are people throwing away a perfectly good white boy? Most of these questions aren’t answered but the movies that inspire them are discussed.
The biggest shocker of the episode are the discovery of what holiday “classics” Eric and Chad have not seen. The second biggest shock is how they managed to get through the show without a reference to Ernest Saves Christmas.
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