This time around on the ol Nerds United podcast, Mike and Greg discuss recent comic book acquisitions and what they’ve read. Gargoyles, Booster Gold, Man Thing, Astro City, Dark Knights of Steel, Once and Future, We Live, and a couple of characters, maybe you’ve heard of them, Batman and the Joker.
Then the duo discussed the Percy Jackson and the Olympians reboot heading to Disney+ later this year. Is that a show you’re excited to see? Let us know in the comments.
Then the guys went on to blind rank some stuff. First they did blind rankings of X-Men movies. Now for this, it wasn’t just movies with X-Men in the title, but any movie with an X-Man in it (and one that was tangentially included).
And then a couple of guys who like food blind rank breakfast noms.
…as a 41 year old man, it feels weird typing out “noms.”
Be kind.